Gulcin Dalkic-Melek
Gulcin Dalkic-Melek
Post-doctoral researcher
在 metu.edu.tr 的电子邮件经过验证
An assessment of the CO2 emissions reduction in high speed rail lines: Two case studies from Turkey
G Dalkic, O Balaban, H Tuydes-Yaman, T Celikkol-Kocak
Journal of Cleaner Production 165, 746-761, 2017
High-Speed Rail (HSR) users and travel characteristics in Turkey
T Celikkol-Kocak, G Dalkic, H Tuydes-Yaman
Procedia Engineering 187, 212-221, 2017
High Speed Rail development in Turkey: Government policy, investments and users perspective
G Dalkıç
Middle East Technical University, 2014
Evaluation of the pricing preferences and value of time for High Speed Rail (HSR) users in Turkey
H Tüydeş Yaman, G Dalkıç
Journal of the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture of Gazi University 34, 2019
Boarding Stop Assignment for Public Bus Trips Using Smart Card Data: Comparison of Two Algorithms
H Tuydes-Yaman, B Kocak, E Karagumus, G Dalkic-Melek
Transportation Research Procedia 69, 472-479, 2023
The impact of Covid-19 pandemic on public transit use: Case study of Konya city
H Tuydes-Yaman, B Kaya, E Karagumus, G Dalkic-Melek, CD Cottrill
Transportation Research Procedia 69, 480-487, 2023
Barriers to Walking among College Students
H Tuydes-Yaman, B Oz, P Karatas, G Dalkıç
Transportation Research Board 97th Annual MeetingTransportation Research Board, 2018
Sürdürülebilir Ulaşım ve Kampüs Trafik Güvenliği: ODTÜ Öğrenci Bakışı
E Kundakcı, P Karataş Sevinen, G Dalkıç, B Ozbılen, H Tüydeş Yaman
Türkiye’deki Yüksek Hızlı Tren (YHT) kullancılarının ücret tercihlerinin ve zaman değerlerinin değerlendirilmesi
HT Yaman, G Dalkıç
Gazi Üniversitesi Mühendislik Mimarlık Fakültesi Dergisi 34 (1), 255-274, 2019
A first evaluation of the relationship between High Speed Rail (HSR) and the tourism sector in Turkey: The cases of two Turkish cities
G Dalkıç, H Tüydeş Yaman
null, 2017
Evaluation of walkability among METU students via traditional survey versus route-based data
H Tüydeş Yaman, ZP Tagmat, G Dalkıç
Evaluation of factors affecting mode choice of highspeed railway (HSR) users in Turkey
G Dalkıç
Middle East Technical University, 2017
Increasing the precision of public transit user activity location detection from smart card data analysis via spatial-temporal DBSCAN
FC Ozer, H Tuydes-Yaman, G Dalkic-Melek
Data & Knowledge Engineering, 102343, 2024
Barriers and opportunities (B&O) for developing low carbon transportation (LCT) policies in Turkey
H Tuydes-Yaman, G Dalkic-Melek, K Chakarova, AS Ozcelik
Journal of Transport Geography 118, 103903, 2024
Estimating the emission mitigation impact of light duty vehicle electrification in road transportation in the light of increasing motorization rate
G Dalkıç Melek
Middle East Technical University, 2024
Tracing Back the Energy Use in Transportation Systems and Modes: An Energy-Balance Methodology for Turkey
H Tuydes-Yaman, G Dalkic-Melek, EC Saltik, K Sarica
International Conference on Advances in Civil Engineering, 424-433, 2023
Towards a New Walking Evaluation Approach: Power of Surveys and Route-based Evaluations in GIS Environment
H Tuydes-yaman, PK Sevinen, ZP Oncu, G Dalkic
Kocaeli Journal of Science and Engineering 5 (2), 212-226, 2022
Ghg Emission Mitigation Potential Of Turkey'S Transportation Sector Using A Bottom-Up Energy Model
K Sarica, H Tüydeş Yaman, E Tetik Kollugil, G Dalkıç, AS Kesten
Evaluation of Potential Impact of Logistics Centers on Rail Freight Sector in Turkey
A Cebeci, G Dalkıç Melek, H Tüydeş Yaman
Value of Time Evaluation of High Speed Railway Users in Turkey
G Dalkıç Melek, H Tüydeş Yaman
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