Cyrille Fauchard
Cyrille Fauchard
Cerema - Research Team ENDSUM
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Detection of preferential infiltration pathways in sinkholes using joint inversion of self‐potential and EM‐34 conductivity data
A Jardani, A Revil, F Santos, C Fauchard, JP Dupont
Geophysical Prospecting 55 (5), 749-760, 2007
Step-frequency radar applied on thin road layers
X Dérobert, C Fauchard, P Côte, E Le Brusq, E Guillanton, JY Dauvignac, ...
Journal of applied geophysics 47 (3-4), 317-325, 2001
GPR performances for thickness calibration on road test sites
C Fauchard, X Dérobert, J Cariou, P Côte
Ndt & E International 36 (2), 67-75, 2003
Geophysical and geotechnical methods for diagnosing flood protection dikes
C Fauchard, P Mériaux
éditions Quae, 2007
High-resolution monitoring of complex coastal morphology changes: Cross-efficiency of SfM and TLS-based survey (Vaches-Noires cliffs, Normandy, France)
M Medjkane, O Maquaire, S Costa, T Roulland, P Letortu, C Fauchard, ...
Landslides 15, 1097-1108, 2018
DC-Electrical Resistivity Imaging for embankment dike investigation: A 3D extended normalisation approach
Y Fargier, SP Lopes, C Fauchard, D François, P Côte
Journal of Applied Geophysics 103, 245-256, 2014
Geoscientists in the sky: Unmanned aerial vehicles responding to geohazards
R Antoine, T Lopez, M Tanguy, C Lissak, L Gailler, P Labazuy, ...
Surveys in Geophysics 41 (6), 1285-1321, 2020
Detection of leakage areas in an earth embankment from GPR measurements and permeability logging
R Antoine, C Fauchard, Y Fargier, E Durand
International Journal of Geophysics 2015 (1), 610172, 2015
Determination of the compaction of hot mix asphalt using high-frequency electromagnetic methods
C Fauchard, B Li, L Laguerre, B Heritier, N Benjelloun, M Kadi
NDT & E International 60, 40-51, 2013
Influence of paleotopography, base level and sedimentation rate on estuarine system response to the Holocene sea-level rise: The example of the Marais Vernier, Seine estuary …
M Frouin, D Sebag, A Durand, B Laignel, JF Saliege, BJ Mahler, ...
Sedimentary Geology 200 (1-2), 15-29, 2007
Sedimentary Coastal cliffs of Normandy: modalities and quantification of retreat
S Costa, O Maquaire, P Letortu, G Thirard, V Compain, T Roulland, ...
Journal of Coastal Research 88 (SI), 46-60, 2019
Méthodes géophysiques et géotechniques pour le diagnostic des digues de protection contre les crues: guide pour la mise en oeuvre et l'interprétation
C Fauchard, P Mériaux
Éditions Quae, 2004
Detection of debondings with ground penetrating radar using a machine learning method
SS Todkar, C Le Bastard, A Ihamouten, V Baltazart, X Dérobert, ...
2017 9th International Workshop on Advanced Ground Penetrating Radar (IWAGPR …, 2017
Assessment of an ancient bridge combining geophysical and advanced photogrammetric methods: Application to the Pont De Coq, France
C Fauchard, R Antoine, F Bretar, J Lacogne, Y Fargier, C Maisonnave, ...
Journal of Applied Geophysics 98, 100-112, 2013
Non‐destructive assessment of hot mix asphalt compaction/density with a step‐frequency radar: case study on a newly paved road
C Fauchard, B Beaucamp, L Laguerre
Near Surface Geophysics 13 (3), 289-297, 2015
Utilisation de radars tres hautes frequences: application a l'auscultation non destructive des chaussées
C Fauchard
Nantes, 2001
Full-waveform inversion using a stepped-frequency GPR to characterize the tack coat in hot-mix asphalt (HMA) layers of flexible pavements
A Ihamouten, F Bosc, B Guan, C Le Bastard, C Fauchard, S Lambot, ...
Ndt & E International 95, 17-25, 2018
Cooperativity scaling and free volume in plasticized polylactide
S Araujo, N Delpouve, S Domenek, A Guinault, R Golovchak, R Szatanik, ...
Macromolecules 52 (16), 6107-6115, 2019
Détection de cavités souterraines par méthodes géophysiques
C Fauchard, P Pothérat, P Côte, M Mudet
Guide technique, Laboratoire Central des Ponts et Chaussées, 2004
Rapid and cost-effective dike condition assessment methods: geophysics and remote sensing
P Royet, S Palma Lopes, C Fauchard, P Mériaux, L Auriau
FloodProBE Project Report− WP3: Reliability of Urban Flood Defences, 2012
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