Pietro Rossi
Pietro Rossi
Adjoint Professor University of Bologna
在 unibo.it 的电子邮件经过验证
Fourier acceleration in lattice gauge theories. I. Landau gauge fixing
CTH Davies, GG Batrouni, GR Katz, AS Kronfeld, GP Lepage, KG Wilson, ...
Physical Review D 37 (6), 1581, 1988
Lattice QCD with fermions at strong coupling: A dimer system
P Rossi, U Wolff
Nuclear Physics B 248 (1), 105-122, 1984
Conditioning techniques for dynamical fermions
TA DeGrand, P Rossi
Computer Physics Communications 60 (2), 211-214, 1990
The QCD finite temperature transition and hybrid Monte Carlo
K Bitar, AD Kennedy, R Horsley, S Meyer, P Rossi
Nuclear Physics B 313 (2), 348-376, 1989
Hadron spectrum in QCD at
KM Bitar, R Edwards, UM Heller, AD Kennedy, W Liu, TA DeGrand, ...
Physical Review D 42 (11), 3794, 1990
Quenched hadronic screening lengths at high temperature
A Gocksch, P Rossi, UM Heller
Physics Letters B 205 (2-3), 334-338, 1988
Fourier transform methods in finance
U Cherubini, G Della Lunga, S Mulinacci, P Rossi
John Wiley & Sons, 2010
Hadron thermodynamics with Wilson quarks
KM Bitar, T DeGrand, R Edwards, S Gottlieb, UM Heller, AD Kennedy, ...
Physical Review D 43 (7), 2396, 1991
A comparison of a variety of matrix inversion algorithms for Wilson fermions on the lattice
P Rossi, CTH Davies, GP Lepage
Nuclear Physics B 297 (2), 287-314, 1988
Fourier acceleration in lattice gauge theories. II. Matrix inversion and the quark propagator
G Katz, G Batrouni, C Davies, A Kronfeld, P Lepage, P Rossi, B Svetitsky, ...
Physical Review D 37 (6), 1589, 1988
Matter fields and metric deformations in multidimensional unified theories
C Destri, CA Orzalesi, P Rossi
Annals of Physics 147 (2), 321-364, 1983
Glueballs and topology in lattice QCD with two light flavors
KM Bitar, R Edwards, UM Heller, AD Kennedy, TA DeGrand, S Gottlieb, ...
Physical Review D 44 (7), 2090, 1991
Hadron spectrum in QCD with valence Wilson fermions and dynamical staggered fermions at
KM Bitar, T DeGrand, R Edwards, S Gottlieb, UM Heller, AD Kennedy, ...
Physical Review D 46 (5), 2169, 1992
Quantum chromodynamics at 6/=5.60
KM Bitar, T DeGrand, R Edwards, S Gottlieb, UM Heller, AD Kennedy, ...
Physical review letters 65 (17), 2106, 1990
Hybrid Monte Carlo and quantum chromodynamics
K Bitar, AD Kennedy, R Horsley, S Meyer, P Rossi
Nuclear Physics B 313 (2), 377-392, 1989
The chiral limit and phase structure of QCD with Wilson fermions
K Bitar, AD Kennedy, P Rossi
Physics Letters B 234 (3), 333-338, 1990
Hadron spectrum and matrix elements in QCD with dynamical Wilson fermions at
KM Bitar, T DeGrand, R Edwards, S Gottlieb, UM Heller, AD Kennedy, ...
Physical Review D 49 (7), 3546, 1994
Simple hadronic matrix elements with Wilson valence quarks and dynamical staggered fermions at
KM Bitar, T DeGrand, R Edwards, S Gottlieb, UM Heller, AD Kennedy, ...
Physical Review D 48 (1), 370, 1993
Langevin simulations of lattice field theories using Fourier acceleration
C Davies, G Batrouni, G Katz, A Kronfeld, P Lepage, P Rossi, B Svetitsky, ...
Journal of Statistical Physics 43 (5), 1073-1075, 1986
Physics goals of the QCD teraflop project
S Aoki, R Shrock, B Berg, C Bernard, M Ogilvie, D Petcher, G Bhanot, ...
International Journal of Modern Physics C (IJMPC) 2 (04), 829-947, 1991
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