Gaia Stucky de Quay
Persistence of intense, climate-driven runoff late in Mars history
ES Kite, DP Mayer, SA Wilson, JM Davis, AS Lucas, G Stucky de Quay
Science Advances 5 (3), eaav7710, 2019
Holocene uplift and rapid fluvial erosion of Iceland: A record of post-glacial landscape evolution
G Stucky de Quay, GG Roberts, DH Rood, VM Fernandes
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 505, 118-130, 2019
The importance of lake breach floods for valley incision on early Mars
TA Goudge, AM Morgan, G Stucky de Quay, CI Fassett
Nature 597 (7878), 645-649, 2021
Precipitation and aridity constraints from paleolakes on early Mars
G Stucky de Quay, TA Goudge, CI Fassett
Geology 48 (12), 1189–1193, 2020
Incipient mantle plume evolution: Constraints from ancient landscapes buried beneath the North Sea
G Stucky de Quay, GG Roberts, JS Watson, CAL Jackson
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 18 (3), 973-993, 2017
Prolonged Fluvial Activity From Channel‐Fan Systems on Mars
G Stucky de Quay, ES Kite, DP Mayer
Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets 124 (11), 3119-3139, 2019
Limits on runoff episode duration for early Mars: integrating lake hydrology and climate models
G Stucky de Quay, TA Goudge, ES Kite, CI Fassett, SD Guzewich
Geophysical Research Letters 48 (15), 2021
Paleolake inlet valley formation: Factors controlling which craters breached on early Mars
ER Bamber, TA Goudge, CI Fassett, GR Osinski, G Stucky de Quay
Geophysical Research Letters 49 (24), e2022GL101097, 2022
Geodynamic generation of a Paleocene–Eocene landscape buried beneath North Bressay, North Sea
G Stucky de Quay, GG Roberts
Journal of the Geological Society 180 (1), jgs2022-063, 2023
Drainage divide migration and implications for climate and biodiversity
C He, J Braun, H Tang, X Yuan, E Acevedo-Trejos, RF Ott, ...
Nature Reviews Earth & Environment, 1-16, 2024
Astrobiology eXploration at Enceladus (AXE): A New Frontiers Mission Concept Study
KM Seaton, S Gyalay, GS de Quay, ER Burnett, CA Denton, B Doerr, ...
The Planetary Science Journal 4 (6), 116, 2023
Magnetic field signatures of craters on Mars
A Mittelholz, SC Steele, RR Fu, CL Johnson, RJ Lillis, G Stucky de Quay
Geophysical Research Letters 51 (6), e2023GL106788, 2024
A global dataset of the shape of drainage systems
C He, CJ Yang, JM Turowski, RF Ott, J Braun, H Tang, S Ghantous, ...
Earth System Science Data 16 (2), 1151-1166, 2024
Basin90m, a new global drainage basin dataset
C He, CJ Yang, J Turowski, RF Ott, J Braun, H Tang, S Ghantous, X Yuan, ...
GFZ Data Services, 2023
A complete catalogue of landslides in Valles Marineris, Mars
G Stucky de Quay, PM Grindrod
45th Annual Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 1601, 2014
How Do Impact Craters Influence Fluvial Structure? A Modeling Approach
ER Bamber, TA Goudge, G Stucky de Quay
LPI Contributions 3040, 1110, 2024
Spatial Patterns of Valley Network Erosion on Mars
TA Goudge, AM Morgan, G Stucky de Quay, CI Fassett
LPI Contributions 3040, 1076, 2024
Modeling Mars’ Competition Between Impact Crater Rims and Fluvial Connectivity
ER Bamber, TA Goudge, C Fassett, G Osinski, GS de Quay
AGU23, 2023
Investigating Crater Inlet Valley Formation: Field Study at Lonar Crater, India
E Bamber, T Goudge, G Stucky de Quay, S Chandran
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, EGU-1437, 2023
Factors Controlling Which Craters Developed Inlet Valleys on Early Mars
ER Bamber, TA Goudge, CI Fassett, GR Osinski, G Stucky de Quay
LPI Contributions 2806, 1062, 2023
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