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Distribution of the oriental weatherloach, Misgurnus anguillicaudatus, in paddy fields and its implications for conservation in Sado Island, Japan Y Kano, Y Kawaguchi, T Yamashita, Y Shimatani Ichthyological research 57, 180-188, 2010 | 59 | 2010 |
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Impacts of dams and global warming on fish biodiversity in the Indo-Burma hotspot Y Kano, D Dudgeon, S Nam, H Samejima, K Watanabe, C Grudpan, ... PLoS One 11 (8), e0160151, 2016 | 54 | 2016 |
An online database on freshwater fish diversity and distribution in Mainland Southeast Asia Y Kano, MS Adnan, C Grudpan, J Grudpan, W Magtoon, P Musikasinthorn, ... Ichthyological Research 60, 293-295, 2013 | 50 | 2013 |
Smart adaptation activities and measures against urban flood disasters S Yamashita, R Watanabe, Y Shimatani Sustainable cities and society 27, 175-184, 2016 | 43 | 2016 |
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河川環境の保全と復元―多自然型川づくりの実際 島谷幸宏 鹿島出版会, 東京. 進望・石川慎吾・岩田修二 (1999) 上高地・梓川における河畔林のモ …, 2000 | 28 | 2000 |
Integrating ecological perspectives into engineering practices–Perspectives and lessons from Japan N Furuta, Y Shimatani International journal of disaster risk reduction 32, 87-94, 2018 | 27 | 2018 |
Predicting the spatial distribution of the invasive piscivorous chub (Opsariichthys uncirostris uncirostris) in the irrigation ditches of Kyushu, Japan: a tool for the risk … M Sato, Y Kawaguchi, H Yamanaka, T Okunaka, J Nakajima, Y Mitani, ... Biological invasions 12, 3677-3686, 2010 | 27 | 2010 |
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A study of seed dispersal by flood flow in an artificially restored floodplain H Hayashi, Y Shimatani, K Shigematsu, J Nishihiro, S Ikematsu, ... Landscape and Ecological Engineering 8, 129-143, 2012 | 26 | 2012 |
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The ecosystem of an artificial vegetated island, Ukishima K Nakamura, Y Shimatani, O Suzuki, S Oguri, T Yasumochi Lake Kasumigaura 95, 1995.406-409, 1995 | 26 | 1995 |
Characteristic of ecosystem of an artificial vegetated floating island K Nakamura, M Tsukidate, Y Shimatani WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment 22, 1970 | 24 | 1970 |
An integrated framework for prediction of climate change impact on habitat suitability of a river in terms of water temperature, hydrological and hydraulic parameters R Morid, Y Shimatani, T Sato Journal of Hydrology 587, 124936, 2020 | 22 | 2020 |
Smart adaptation to flooding in urban areas S Yamashita, R Watanabe, Y Shimatani Procedia engineering 118, 1096-1103, 2015 | 22 | 2015 |
ワンドと魚類群集: ワンドの魚類群集を特徴づける現象の考察 (< 特集 2> 洪水撹乱と千曲川生態系) 傳田正利, 山下慎吾, 尾澤卓思, 島谷幸宏 日本生態学会誌 52 (2), 287-294, 2002 | 22 | 2002 |