Mario Sraka
Mario Sraka
其他姓名M. Sraka
Redoviti profesor, Sveučilište u Zagrebu, Agronomski fakultet
在 agr.unizg.hr 的电子邮件经过验证
Tillage management impacts on soil compaction, erosion and crop yield in Stagnosols (Croatia)
I Bogunovic, P Pereira, I Kisic, K Sajko, M Sraka
Catena 160, 376-384, 2018
Inventory of soils in Croatia
M Bogunović, Ž Vidaček, S Husnjak, M Sraka
Agriculturae conspectus scientificus 63 (3), 105-112, 1998
Namjenska pedološka karta Republike Hrvatske i njena uporaba
M Bogunović, Ž Vidaček, Z Racz, S Husnjak, M Sraka
Agronomski glasnik 59 (5-6), 363-399, 1997
Comparison of two approaches to soil strength classifications
T Poršinsky, M Sraka, I Stankić
Croatian Journal of Forest Engineering: Journal for Theory and Application …, 2006
Namjenska pedološka karta Republike Hrvatske mjerila 1: 300 000
M Bogunović, Ž Vidaček, Z Racz, S Husnjak, M Sraka
Geodetski list 52 (1), 1-12, 1998
Lizimetrijsko mjerenje otjecanja vode iz tla u uvjetima agroekološke postaje Zagreb-Maksimir
Ž Vidaček, M Sraka, S Husnjak, M Pospišil
Znanstveni skup" Poljoprivreda i gospodarenje vodama", Bizovačke Toplice 17 …, 1994
Influence of drainpipe spacing on nitrate leaching and maize yield
I Simunic, M Mesic, M Sraka, T Likso, L Coga
Cereal research communications 39, 273-282, 2011
Nitrates, heavy metals and herbicides in soil and waters of Karašica-Vučica catchment area
Ž Vidaček, M Sraka, L Čoga, A Mihelić
Agriculturae Conspectus Scientificus 64 (2), 143-150, 1999
Hydropedological map of the Republic of Croatia
Ž Vidaček, M Bogunović, S Husnjak, M Sraka, A Bensa
Agriculturae Conspectus Scientificus 73 (2), 67-74, 2008
Herbicides in the soil and waters of river Drava catchment area
M Sraka, Z Vidacek, Z Smit, A Bensa, D Vrhovec
Cereal Research Communications 35, 1089-1092, 2007
Zemljišni resursi Hrvatske i pogodnost tla za navodnjavanje
S Husnjak, Ž Vidaček, M Bogunović, M Sraka, A Bensa, D Vrhovec
Dio «Nacionalni projekt navodnjavanja i gospodarenja poljoprivrednim …, 2005
Crop sensitivity to mesotrione residues in two soils: Field and laboratory bioassays
A Pintar, S Stipicevic, Z Svecnjak, K Baric, J Lakic, M Sraka
Chilean journal of agricultural research 80 (4), 496-504, 2020
Nitrati, teški metali i herbicidi u tlu i vodama sliva Karašica-Vučica
Ž Vidaček, M Sraka, L Čoga, A Mihalić
Poljoprivredna znanstvena smotra 64 (2), 143-150, 1999
M Bogunović, Ž Vidaček, Z Racz, S Husnjak, A Špoljar, M Sraka
Unesco Croatian soil map, small scale 1, 1000000, 1998
Land information system of Zagreb Country
M Bogunović, Ž Vidaček, S Husnjak, M Sraka, D Petošić
Agriculturae conspectus scientificus 63 (4), 219-231, 1998
Temporal changes in soil water content and penetration resistance under three tillage systems
I Bogunovic, I Kisic, M Sraka, I Dekemati
Agriculturae Conspectus Scientificus 80 (4), 187-195, 2015
Assessment of soil erosion by water in the Butoniga catchment area in Crotia. En: Bech J
M Bougonoviae, S Husnjak, V Kusan, Z Vidaeek, M Sraka, M Alexandra
6th International Meeting on Soils with Mediterranean Type of Climate …, 1999
Agroekološki uvjeti uzgoja industrijske konoplje u zapadno Panonskoj poljoprivrednoj podregiji Hrvatske i sastav masnih kiselina ulja sjemena
M Sraka, D Škevin, M Obranović, J Butorac, I Magdić
Journal of Central European Agriculture 20 (3), 809-822, 2019
Procjena pogodnosti s mjerama uređenja dreniranog poljoprivrednog zemljišta za primjenu navodnjavanja u Republici Hrvatskoj
I Mustać, D Petošić, H Bakić Begić, F Tomić, S Husnjak, I Grgić, M Sraka, ...
Agroecological conditions of industrial hemp production in the western Pannonian agricultural subregion and fatty acids composition of hemp seed oil
M Sraka, D Škevin, M Obranović, J Butorac, I Magdić
Journal of Central European Agriculture 20 (3), 809-822, 2019
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