Lara Frumkin
Lara Frumkin
在 open.ac.uk 的电子邮件经过验证
Cyberbullying experiences on-the-go: When social media can become distressing
A Görzig, LA Frumkin
Cyberpsychology: Journal of Psychosocial Research on Cyberspace 7 (1), 2013
Influences of accent and ethnic background on perceptions of eyewitness testimony
L Frumkin
Psychology, Crime & Law 13 (3), 317-331, 2007
Adult numeracy: A review of research
JD Carpentieri, L Frumkin
National Research and Development Centre for Literacy and Numeracy (NRDC …, 2010
Emerging threats for the human element and countermeasures in current cyber security landscape
V Benson, J McAlaney, LA Frumkin
Cyber law, privacy, and security: Concepts, methodologies, tools, and …, 2019
Drivers and challenges in raising the achievement of pupils from Bangladeshi, Somali and Turkish backgrounds (Research Report DCSF-RR226)
S Strand, A De Coulon, E Meschi, J Vorhaus, C Ivins, L Small, A Sood, ...
Department for Education, 2010
Not all eyewitnesses are equal: Accent status, race and age interact to influence evaluations of testimony
LA Frumkin, A Stone
Journal of Ethnicity in Criminal Justice 18 (2), 123-145, 2020
Exploratory investigation of drivers of attainment in ethnic minority adult learners
LA Frumkin, M Koutsoubou
Journal of Further and Higher Education 37 (2), 147-162, 2013
Learning literacy together: The impact and effectiveness of family literacy on parents, children, families and schools
J Swain, S Welby, G Brooks, S Bosley, L Frumkin, K Fairfax-Cholmeley, ...
Learning and Skills Improvement Service, 2009
Young children’s cognitive achievement: Home learning environment, language and ethnic background
LA Frumkin
Journal of Early Childhood Research 11 (3), 222-235, 2013
The effects of self-awareness on body movement indicators of the intention to deceive
G Lawson, AW Stedmon, K Zhang, DL Eubanks, LA Frumkin
Applied Ergonomics 44 (5), 687-693, 2013
Student perceptions of lecturer classroom communication style
LA Frumkin, A Murphy
European Journal of Social Sciences 5 (3), 45-60, 2007
Psychological and behavioral examinations in cyber security
J McAlaney, LA Frumkin, V Benson
IGI Global, 2018
Building trust in digital policing: a scoping review of community policing apps
C Elphick, R Philpot, M Zhang, A Stuart, Z Walkington, LA Frumkin, G Pike, ...
Police Practice and Research 22 (5), 1469-1491, 2021
Verdict spotting: investigating the effects of juror bias, evidence anchors and verdict system in jurors
LJ Curley, J Murray, R MacLean, J Munro, M Lages, LA Frumkin, ...
Psychiatry, Psychology and Law 29 (3), 323-344, 2022
The impact of different British accents on perceptions of eyewitness statements
L Frumkin, A Thompson
Journal of Language and Discrimination, 2020
Designing multimedia for differences: e-lecturer, e-tutor, and e-student perspectives
V Benson, L Frumkin, A Murphy
Third International Conference on Information Technology and Applications …, 2005
Postgraduate preferences: a study of factors contributing to programme satisfaction amongst masters students
LA Frumkin, M Milankovic-Atkinson, C Sadler
New Horizons in Education 55 (2), 37-54, 2007
Literacy, numeracy and disadvantage among older adults in England
A Jenkins, R Akerman, L Frumkin, E Salter, J Vorhaus
Institute of Education, University of London, 2011
Informing reform: The views of legal professionals on the unique aspects of Scottish Law
LJ Curley, J Munro, LA Frumkin, J Turner
Medicine, Science and the law 61 (4), 256-265, 2021
Designing technologies for community policing
M Zhang, AK Bandara, B Price, G Pike, Z Walkington, C Elphick, ...
Extended Abstracts of the 2020 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing …, 2020
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