Dr. F. Y. Millissa Cheung
Transformational leadership, leader support, and employee creativity
MFY Cheung, CS Wong
Leadership & Organization Development Journal 32 (7), 656-672, 2011
An extended model of value-attitude-behavior to explain Chinese consumers’ green purchase behavior
MFY Cheung, WM To
Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 50, 145-153, 2019
Supervisor–subordinate guanxi and employee work outcomes: The mediating role of job satisfaction
MFY Cheung, WP Wu, AKK Chan, MML Wong
Journal of Business Ethics 88, 77-89, 2009
The influence of the propensity to trust on mobile users' attitudes toward in-app advertisements: An extension of the theory of planned behavior
MFY Cheung, WM To
Computers in human behavior 76, 102-111, 2017
Relationships of organizational justice and organizational identification: The mediating effects of perceived organizational support in Hong Kong
MFY Cheung, MCC Law
Asia Pacific Business Review 14 (2), 213-231, 2008
The mediating role of perceived organizational support in the effects of interpersonal and informational justice on organizational citizenship behaviors
MFY Cheung
Leadership & Organization Development Journal 34 (6), 551-572, 2013
Customer involvement and perceptions: The moderating role of customer co-production
MFY Cheung, WM To
Journal of retailing and consumer services 18 (4), 271-277, 2011
Service co-creation in social media: An extension of the theory of planned behavior
MFY Cheung, WM To
Computers in Human Behavior 65, 260-266, 2016
Management commitment to service quality and organizational outcomes
MFY Cheung, WM To
Managing Service Quality: An International Journal 20 (3), 259-272, 2010
A customer-dominant logic on service recovery and customer satisfaction
FYM Cheung, WM To
Management Decision 54 (10), 2524-2543, 2016
Leader-member exchange exchange and employee work outcomes: The mediating role of job satisfaction
MFY Cheung, WP Wu
Asia Pacific Business Review 18 (1), 65-81, 2011
The effect of consumer perceptions of the ethics of retailers on purchase behavior and word-of-mouth: The moderating role of ethical beliefs
WMT FYM Cheung
Journal of Business Ethics, 2020
Explore how Chinese consumers evaluate retail service quality and satisfaction
WM To, JFY Tam, MFY Cheung
Service Business 7, 121-142, 2013
Participatory management and employee work outcomes: The moderating role of supervisor–subordinate guanxi
MFY Cheung, W Wu
Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources 49 (3), 344-364, 2011
Effect of customer involvement on co-creation of services: A moderated mediation model
MFY Cheung, WM To
Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 63, 102660, 2021
Why mutual trust leads to highest performance: the mediating role of psychological contract fulfillment
MFY Cheung, CS Wong, GY Yuan
Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources 55 (4), 430-453, 2017
Do task-and relation-oriented customers co-create a better quality of service?: An empirical study of customer-dominant logic
FYM Cheung, WM To
Management Decision 53 (1), 179-197, 2015
The effects of customer involvement on perceived service performance and word-of-mouth: The mediating role of service co-creation
WMT FYM Cheung
Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, 2020
Supervisor attribution of subordinates' organizational citizenship behavior motives
FYM Cheung, K Peng, CS Wong
Journal of Managerial Psychology 29 (8), 922-937, 2013
Work–family/family–work conflict: the moderating roles of gender and spousal working status
MFY Cheung, CS Wong
Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources 51 (3), 330-346, 2013
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