David Swedler
David Swedler
ForHealth Consulting at UMass Chan Medical School
在 umassmed.edu 的电子邮件经过验证
Injury reduction effectiveness of selecting running shoes based on plantar shape
JJ Knapik, DI Swedler, TL Grier, KG Hauret, SH Bullock, KW Williams, ...
The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research 23 (3), 685-697, 2009
Injury reduction effectiveness of assigning running shoes based on plantar shape in Marine Corps basic training
JJ Knapik, DW Trone, DI Swedler, A Villasenor, SH Bullock, E Schmied, ...
The American Journal of Sports Medicine 38 (9), 1759-1767, 2010
Effect on injuries of assigning shoes based on foot shape in air force basic training
JJ Knapik, LC Brosch, M Venuto, DI Swedler, SH Bullock, LS Gaines, ...
American journal of preventive medicine 38 (1), S197-S211, 2010
Firearm prevalence and homicides of law enforcement officers in the United States
DI Swedler, MM Simmons, F Dominici, D Hemenway
American journal of public health 105 (10), 2042-2048, 2015
Systematic review of the parachute ankle brace: injury risk reduction and cost effectiveness
JJ Knapik, A Spiess, DI Swedler, TL Grier, SS Darakjy, BH Jones
American journal of preventive medicine 38 (1), S182-S188, 2010
Injury rates and injury risk factors among Federal Bureau of Investigation new agent trainees
JJ Knapik, T Grier, A Spiess, DI Swedler, KG Hauret, B Graham, J Yoder, ...
BMC public health 11, 1-16, 2011
Incidence and costs of personal and property crimes in the USA, 2017
TR Miller, MA Cohen, DI Swedler, B Ali, DV Hendrie
Journal of benefit-cost analysis 12 (1), 24-54, 2021
Risk factors for medical discharge from United States Army basic combat training
DI Swedler, JJ Knapik, KW Williams, TL Grier, BH Jones
Military medicine 176 (10), 1104-1110, 2011
Incidence and lethality of suicidal overdoses by drug class
TR Miller, DI Swedler, BA Lawrence, B Ali, IRH Rockett, NN Carlson, ...
JAMA network open 3 (3), e200607-e200607, 2020
Parachute ankle brace and extrinsic injury risk factors during parachuting
JJ Knapik, S Darakjy, D Swedler, P Amoroso, BH Jones
Aviation, space, and environmental medicine 79 (4), 408-415, 2008
Gender and age differences among teen drivers in fatal crashes
DI Swedler, SM Bowman, SP Baker
Annals of Advances in Automotive Medicine/Annual Scientific Conference 56, 97, 2012
Footwear in the United States Army Band: injury incidence and risk factors associated with foot pain
TL Grier, JJ Knapik, D Swedler, BH Jones
The Foot 21 (2), 60-65, 2011
Injury risk factors in parachuting and acceptability of the parachute ankle brace
JJ Knapik, A Spiess, D Swedler, T Grier, S Darakjy, P Amoroso, BH Jones
Aviation, space, and environmental medicine 79 (7), 689-694, 2008
A structural equation modelling approach examining the pathways between safety climate, behaviour performance and workplace slipping
DI Swedler, SK Verma, YH Huang, DA Lombardi, WR Chang, M Brennan, ...
Occupational and environmental medicine 72 (7), 476-481, 2015
Occupational homicide of law enforcement officers in the US, 1996–2010
DI Swedler, C Kercher, MM Simmons, KM Pollack
Injury prevention 20 (1), 35-40, 2014
Fatal occupational injuries among US law enforcement officers: a comparison of national surveillance systems
HM Tiesman, DI Swedler, S Konda, KM Pollack
American journal of industrial medicine 56 (6), 693-700, 2013
Validity of plantar surface visual assessment as an estimate of foot arch height.
DI Swedler, JJ Knapik, T Grier, BH Jones
Medicine and science in sports and exercise 42 (2), 375-380, 2010
Lives saved by laws and regulations that resulted from the Bloomberg road safety program
TR Miller, DT Levy, DI Swedler
Accident Analysis & Prevention 113, 131-136, 2018
The association between handheld phone bans and the prevalence of handheld phone conversations among young drivers in the United States
M Zhu, TM Rudisill, S Heeringa, D Swedler, DA Redelmeier
Annals of epidemiology 26 (12), 833-837. e1, 2016
Understanding commercial truck drivers’ decision-makin process concerning distracted driving
DI Swedler, KM Pollack, AC Gielen
Accident Analysis & Prevention 78, 20-28, 2015
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