Simon Wyke
Simon Wyke
Department of Sustainability and Planning, Aalborg University
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Using principal component analysis to identify latent factors affecting cost and time overrun in public construction projects
S Wyke, SM Lindhard, JK Larsen
Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 2023
Virtual Reality use for evaluation and improvement of building emergency signage
SCS Wyke, KM Andersen, M Hardahl, MM Harlyk, EV Risbøl, K Svidt
2019 European Conference on Computing in Construction, 452-460, 2019
Smartphone-based reality capture for subsurface utilities: experiences from water utility companies in Denmark
LH Hansen, TM Pedersen, E Kjems, S Wyke
The international archives of the photogrammetry, remote sensing and spatial …, 2021
Employability competences through short-term intensive PBL-events in higher education
S Wyke, AA Jensen, L Krogh, O Ravn, K Svidt
Frontiers in Education 7, 959355, 2022
Combining reality capture and augmented reality to visualise subsurface utilities in the field
LH Hansen, SCS Wyke, E Kjems
Proceedings of the 37th International Symposium on Automation and Robotics …, 2020
Waste generation predictions and on-site waste management: a Danish perspective
SM Lindhard, S Wyke, H Mahami, SS Vaezzadeh, K Svidt
Sustainability 15 (5), 4207, 2023
Are permeable pavements a sustainable solution? A qualitative study of the usage of permeable pavements
DV Muttuvelu, S Wyke, J Vollertsen
Sustainability 14 (19), 12432, 2022
Design rationale documentation and exchange in the Danish AEC industry
S Wyke, RL Jensen, K Svidt
CIB Proceedings, 2021
Real-time Evaluation of Room Acoustics using IFC-based Virtual Reality and Auralization Engines: Documentation Report
SCS Wyke, K Svidt, F Christensen, JB Sørensen, JS Emborg, RL Jensen
Department of Civil Engineering, Aalborg University, 2019
Laser-Assisted Data Acquisition Of Building Geometry: Selection and use of laser meters and data processing software for IV20
SCS Wyke, K Svidt, KT Jønsson, L Rohde, RL Jensen
Realistic Real Time Simulation of Room Acoustics using Virtual Reality with Auralization: Development and Initial Testing
SCS Wyke, F Christensen, K Svidt, JS Emborg, RL Jensen
7th eCAADe Regional International Symposium: Virtually Real, 153-158, 2019
Towards AR-enabled informed decision-making in subsurface utility projects through visualising 3D capture data of as-built utilities
LH Hansen, E Kjems, S Wyke
Real-time evaluation of room acoustics using IFC-based virtual reality and auralization engines
SS Wyke, K Svidt, F Christensen, JB Sørensen, TM Fadnes, RL Jensen
CIB Proceedings 37, 279-290, 2020
Automation of data transfer between a BIM model and an environmental quality assessment application
AK Piaskowski, R Petersons, SCS Wyke, EA Petrova, K Svidt
CIB Proceedings 36, 381-390, 2019
Visualisation of 3d uncertainties for subsurface infrastructure using augmented reality
SQ Vinther, FD Kunnerup, L Bodum, LH Hansen, S Wyke
International 3D GeoInfo Conference, 111-128, 2023
Nye teknologier til forebyggelse af graveskader-Anven-delse af Reality Capture og Augmented Reality
LH Hansen, SCS Wyke, T Mandahl
GeoForum Perspektiv 19 (37), 49-54, 2020
Virtual Reality based Facilities Management planning
SCS Wyke, K Svidt
CIB Proceedings 36, 965-973, 2019
Innovations-og læringsfællesskabet Den Digitale Undergrund
L Bodum, S Wyke
Measuring Infiltration Rates in Permeable Asphalt Pavement in Urban Landscapes
DV Muttuvelu, S Wyke, J Vollertsen
KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, 2024
Den Digitale Undergrund: Værdigenerering gennem registrering og deling af data om underjordisk infrastruktur
S Wyke, FD Kunnerup, LH Hansen, L Bodum
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