Stress, health, and the life course: Some conceptual perspectives LI Pearlin, S Schieman, EM Fazio, SC Meersman Journal of health and Social Behavior 46 (2), 205-219, 2005 | 1769 | 2005 |
When work interferes with life: Work-nonwork interference and the influence of work-related demands and resources S Schieman, P Glavin, MA Milkie American sociological review 74 (6), 966-988, 2009 | 699 | 2009 |
Work–family role blurring and work–family conflict: The moderating influence of job resources and job demands P Glavin, S Schieman Work and Occupations 39 (1), 71-98, 2012 | 353 | 2012 |
The nature of work and the stress of higher status S Schieman, YK Whitestone, K Van Gundy Journal of health and social behavior 47 (3), 242-257, 2006 | 348 | 2006 |
The sense of mastery as a mediator and moderator in the association between economic hardship and health in late life T Pudrovska, S Schieman, LI Pearlin, K Nguyen Journal of Aging and Health 17 (5), 634-660, 2005 | 338 | 2005 |
The personal and social links between age and self-reported empathy S Schieman, K Van Gundy Social psychology quarterly, 152-174, 2000 | 326 | 2000 |
Boundary-spanning work demands and their consequences for guilt and psychological distress P Glavin, S Schieman, S Reid Journal of Health and Social behavior 52 (1), 43-57, 2011 | 249 | 2011 |
Work-Life Conflict During the COVID-19 Pandemic S Schieman, P Badawy, M Milkie, A Bierman Socius, 2021 | 242 | 2021 |
Age and anger S Schieman Journal of health and Social Behavior, 273-289, 1999 | 237 | 1999 |
Trouble at the border?: Gender, flexibility at work, and the work-home interface S Schieman, P Glavin Social Problems 55 (4), 590-611, 2008 | 231 | 2008 |
The life-course origins of mastery among older people LI Pearlin, KB Nguyen, S Schieman, MA Milkie Journal of health and social behavior 48 (2), 164-179, 2007 | 227 | 2007 |
The sense of divine control and psychological distress: Variations across race and socioeconomic status S Schieman, T Pudrovska, LI Pearlin, CG Ellison Journal for the scientific study of religion 45 (4), 529-549, 2006 | 216 | 2006 |
Status, role, and resource explanations for age patterns in psychological distress S Schieman, K Van Gundy, J Taylor Journal of health and Social Behavior, 80-96, 2001 | 210 | 2001 |
The sense of divine control and the self-concept: A study of race differences in late life S Schieman, T Pudrovska, MA Milkie Research on Aging 27 (2), 165-196, 2005 | 188 | 2005 |
Religion and mental health S Schieman, A Bierman, CG Ellison Handbook of the sociology of mental health, 457-478, 2013 | 187 | 2013 |
How adult children influence older parents' mental health: Integrating stress-process and life-course perspectives MA Milkie, A Bierman, S Schieman Social psychology quarterly 71 (1), 86-105, 2008 | 186 | 2008 |
Statuses, roles, and the sense of mattering S Schieman, J Taylor Sociological perspectives 44 (4), 469-484, 2001 | 186 | 2001 |
Are communications about work outside regular working hours associated with work-to-family conflict, psychological distress and sleep problems? S Schieman, MC Young Work & Stress 27 (3), 244-261, 2013 | 184 | 2013 |
Age, disability, and the sense of mastery S Schieman, HA Turner Journal of health and social behavior, 169-186, 1998 | 182 | 1998 |
Is there a downside to schedule control for the work-family interface? S Schieman, M Young Journal of Family Issues 31 (10), 1391-1414, 2010 | 180 | 2010 |