Cinthya Bertoldo
Cinthya Bertoldo
在 unicamp.br 的电子邮件经过验证
Determination of the mechanical properties of Castanea sativa Mill. using ultrasonic wave propagation and comparison with static compression and bending methods
C Vázquez, R Gonçalves, C Bertoldo, V Baño, A Vega, J Crespo, ...
Wood Science and Technology 49, 607-622, 2015
Effects of Rice Husk Silica on microstructure and mechanical properties of Magnesium-oxychloride Fiber Cement (MOFC)
CM Gomes, AL Garry, E Freitas, C Bertoldo, G Siqueira
Construction and Building Materials 241, 118022, 2020
Ultrasound grading of round Eucalyptus timber using the Brazilian standard
M Ruy, R Gonçalves, DM Pereira, RGM Lorensani, C Bertoldo
European Journal of Wood and Wood Products 76, 889-898, 2018
Moisture-related adjustment factor to obtain a reference ultrasonic velocity in structural lumber of plantation hardwood
R Gonçalves, RGM Lorensani, TO Negreiros, C Bertoldo
Wood Material Science & Engineering 13 (5), 254-261, 2018
Efeito do processo de desidratação osmótica a pulso de vácuo na transferência de massa e nas propriedades reológicas e de cor de fatias de manga
AP Ito, M Cavenaghi, C Bertoldo, KJ Park, MD Hubinger
Food Science and Technology 27, 54-63, 2007
Quantitative image analysis of acoustic tomography in woods
JRA Strobel, MAG de Carvalho, R Gonçalves, CB Pedroso, MN dos Reis, ...
European Journal of Wood and Wood Products 76, 1379-1389, 2018
Methodology for the characterization of elastic constants of wood from tree branches
R Gonçalves, GHL Garcia, S Brazolin, C Bertoldo, M Ruy
BioResources 14 (4), 8439-8454, 2019
Acoustic and bending properties in Pinus elliottii beams obtained from trees of different ages
R Gonçalves, CB Pedroso, MV Massak
Journal of wood science 59, 127-132, 2013
Velocity of ultrasonic waves in live trees and in freshly-felled logs
R Gonçalves, CB Pedroso, MV Massak, F Batista, CB Secco
Wood and Fiber Science, 232-235, 2011
Ultrasound test for root wood elastomechanical characterization
NMO Cavalcanti, R Goncalves, S Brazolin, C Bertoldo, M Ruy
BioResources, 2018
Influence of measurement position, tree diameter, and bulk wood density on models that predict wave propagation velocity in logs according to the velocity in trees
C Bertoldo, R Gonçalves
Forest products journal 65 (3-4), 166-172, 2015
Classification and inspection of reinforced concrete elements for use in retaining walls using ultrasound tests
RRC da Silva, R Goncalves, C Bertoldo
Construction and Building Materials 262, 120010, 2020
Evaluation of elastic anisotropy of concrete using ultrasound wave propagation
C Bertoldo, RK Santos Gorski, R Gonçalves
Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering 32 (4), 04020056, 2020
Propriedades de resistência e de rigidez da madeira obtidas a partir da avaliação acústica na árvore [Predicting of strength and stiffness of wood using acoustic measurement in …
C Bertoldo
Ph. D. Thesis, 2014
Mechanical Properties of Concrete Produced with Coarse Aggregates from Different Mineralogical Origins Using Ultrasonic Tests
RRC da Silva, R Gonçalves, C Bertoldo
International Journal of Concrete Structures and Materials 17 (1), 66, 2023
Propriedades de resistência e de rigidez da madeira obtidas a partir da avaliação acústica na árvore
CB Pedroso
Tese (Doutorado em Engenharia Agrícola). Faculdade de Engenharia Agrícola …, 2014
Aplicações do método de ensaio esclerométrico em peças de eucalipto saligna sm
J Soriano, R Gonçalves, C Bertoldo, AJ Trinca
Revista Brasileira de Engenharia Agrícola e Ambiental 15, 322-328, 2011
Application of esclerometeric test method in pieces of Eucalyptus saligna
J Soriano, R Gonçalves, C Bertoldo, AJ Trinca
Revista Brasileira de Engenharia Agrícola e Ambiental 15, 322-328, 2011
Estimativa de propriedades de rigidez da madeira a partir de avaliação acústica na árvore e em toras recém abatidas
CB Pedroso
Dissertação (Mestrado em Engenharia Agrícola)-Universidade Estadual de Campinas, 2011
Influence of pulsed vacuum osmotic dehydration on mass transfer, color and rheological properties of mango slices
AP Ito, M Cavenaghi, C Bertoldo, KJ Park, MD Hubinger
Food Science and Technology 27, 54-63, 2007
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