Jae Yung Song
Effects of the acoustic properties of infant-directed speech on infant word recognition
JY Song, K Demuth, J Morgan
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 128 (1), 389-400, 2010
Phonological constraints on children’s production of English third person singular–s
JY Song, M Sundara, K Demuth
American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, 2009
The effects of coarticulation and morphological complexity on the production of English coda clusters: Acoustic and articulatory evidence from 2-year-olds and adults using …
JY Song, K Demuth, S Shattuck-Hufnagel, L Ménard
Journal of Phonetics 41 (3-4), 281-295, 2013
The role of hypercorrection in the acquisition of L2 phonemic contrasts
FR Eckman, GK Iverson, JY Song
Second language research 29 (3), 257-283, 2013
Durational cues to fricative codas in 2-year-olds' American English: Voicing and morphemic factors
J Yung Song, K Demuth, K Evans, S Shattuck-Hufnagel
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 133 (5), 2931-2946, 2013
The development of acoustic cues to coda contrasts in young children learning American English
JY Song, K Demuth, S Shattuck-Hufnagel
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 131 (4), 3036-3050, 2012
Compensatory vowel lengthening for omitted coda consonants: A phonetic investigation of children's early representations of prosodic words
JY Song, K Demuth
Language and speech 51 (4), 385-402, 2008
The development of articles in children’s early Spanish: Prosodic interactions between lexical and grammatical form
K Demuth, M Patrolia, JY Song, M Masapollo
First Language 32 (1-2), 17-37, 2012
Development of phonetic variants (allophones) in 2-year-olds learning American English: A study of alveolar stop/t, d/codas
JY Song, S Shattuck-Hufnagel, K Demuth
Journal of Phonetics 52, 152-169, 2015
Input and processing factors affecting infants’ vocabulary size at 19 and 25 months
JY Song, K Demuth, J Morgan
Frontiers in Psychology 9, 2398, 2018
Overt and covert contrast in L2 phonology
F Eckman, G Iverson, JY Song
Journal of Second Language Pronunciation 1 (2), 254-278, 2015
Covert contrast in the acquisition of second language phonology
FR Eckman, GK Iverson, JY Song
Perspectives on Phonological Theory and Development, 2014
The use of ultrasound in the study of articulatory properties of vowels in clear speech
JY Song
Clinical Linguistics & Phonetics 31 (5), 351-374, 2017
Covert contrasts in the acquisition of English high front vowels by native speakers of Korean, Portuguese, and Spanish
JY Song, F Eckman
Language Acquisition 26 (4), 436-456, 2019
How phonological representations develop during first language acquisition
K Demuth, JY Song
The Oxford handbook of laboratory phonology, 397-406, 2012
Acoustic characteristics of tense and lax vowels across sentence position in clear speech
L Roesler, JY Song
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 144 (6), EL535-EL540, 2018
Interactions between voice-activated AI assistants and human speakers and their implications for second-language acquisition
JY Song, A Pycha, T Culleton
Frontiers in Communication 7, 995475, 2022
Using ultrasound tongue imaging to study covert contrasts in second-language learners’ acquisition of English vowels
JY Song, F Eckman
Language Acquisition 28 (4), 344-369, 2021
Do adults produce phonetic variants of/t/less often in speech to children?
R Fritche, S Shattuck-Hufnagel, JY Song
Journal of Phonetics 87, 101056, 2021
The relationship between second-language learners’ production and perception of English vowels: The role of native-like acoustic correlates
JY Song, FR Eckman
Proceedings of the 45th Annual Boston University Conference on Language …, 2021
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