Gary Kinsland
Isothermal compression of magnetite to 320 KB
HK Mao, T Takahashi, WA Bassett, GL Kinsland, L Merrill
Journal of Geophysical Research 79 (8), 1165-1170, 1974
Surface expression of the Chicxulub crater
KO Pope, AC Ocampo, GL Kinsland, R Smith
Geology 24 (6), 527-530, 1996
Strength of MgO and NaCl polycrystals to confining pressures of 250 kbar at 25 C
GL Kinsland, WA Bassett
Journal of Applied Physics 48 (3), 978-985, 1977
Modification of the diamond cell for measuring strain and the strength of materials at pressures up to 300 kilobar
GL Kinsland, WA Bassett
Review of Scientific Instruments 47 (1), 130-133, 1976
Urban flood prediction under heavy precipitation
X Wang, G Kinsland, D Poudel, A Fenech
Journal of Hydrology 577, 123984, 2019
The effect of the strength of materials on the interpretation of data from opposed-anvil high-pressure devices
GL Kinsland
High Temp. High Pressures 10, 627-639, 1978
Formation temperature of fluorite in the Lockport Dolomite in upper New York State as indicated by fluid inclusion studies; with a discussion of heat sources
GL Kinsland
Economic Geology 72 (5), 849-854, 1977
Seismic facies study of 3D seismic data, northern Louisiana, Wilcox Formation
K Egedahl, GL Kinsland, D Han
GCAGS Transactions, 2012
Visualization and interpretation of geologic data in 3D virtual reality
GL Kinsland, CW Borst
Interpretation 3 (3), SX13-SX20, 2015
Volumetric Windows: Application to Interpretation of Scientific Data, Shader-Based Rendering Method, and Performance Evaluation.
CW Borst, VB Baiyya, CM Best, GL Kinsland
CGVR, 72-80, 2007
Chicxulub impact tsunami megaripples in the subsurface of Louisiana: Imaged in petroleum industry seismic data
GL Kinsland, K Egedahl, MA Strong, R Ivy
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 570, 117063, 2021
Topography over the Chicxulub impact crater from Shuttle Radar Topography Mission data
GL Kinsland, KO Pope, MH Cardador, GRJ Cooper, DR Cowan, ...
Large meteorite impacts III, 141-146, 2005
47 Immersive Visualization for the Geological Sciences
WR Sherman, GL Kinsland, CW Borst, E Whiting, JP Schulze, P Weber, ...
Visualization and interpretation of 3d geological and geophysical data in heterogeneous virtual reality displays: Examples from the chicxulub impact crater
CW Borst, GL Kinsland
GCAGS Transactions 55, 23-34, 2005
Detection of groundwater conduits in limestones with gravity surveys: Data from the area of the Chicxulub Impact Crater, Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico
GL Kinsland, M Hurtado, KO Pope
Geophysical research letters 27 (8), 1223-1226, 2000
Mineral collecting at Penfield quarry
WA Bassett, GL Kinsland
New York State Geol. Assoc., Guidebook, H1-H9, 1973
Evolution of the morphology of the vermilion river near Lafayette, Louisiana, USA; consequent flooding problems and a mitigation plan; some features on the surface of the …
GL Kinsland, J Wildgen
GCAGS Transactions 56, 353-365, 2006
Minimal-effort time-lapse seismic monitoring: exploiting the relationship between acquisition and imaging in time-lapse data
LM Houston, GL Kinsland
The Leading Edge 17 (10), 1440-1443, 1998
Comparison of a Portion of the K/Pg Boundary Deposits in Two Locations: Webb County, Texas, and LaSalle Parish, Louisiana
GL Kinsland, JW Snedden
GCAGS Transactions 66, 789-797, 2016
Chicxulub Impact Tsunami Deposits at the K–Pg Boundary in Northern Louisiana?
MA Strong, GL Kinsland
Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies Transactions 64, 735, 2014
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