A consumer values orientation for materialism and its measurement: Scale development and validation ML Richins, S Dawson Journal of consumer research 19 (3), 303-316, 1992 | 5325 | 1992 |
Negative word-of-mouth by dissatisfied consumers: A pilot study ML Richins Journal of marketing 47 (1), 68-78, 1983 | 3708 | 1983 |
Measuring emotions in the consumption experience ML Richins Journal of consumer research 24 (2), 127-146, 1997 | 3484 | 1997 |
The material values scale: Measurement properties and development of a short form ML Richins Journal of consumer Research 31 (1), 209-219, 2004 | 2042 | 2004 |
Valuing things: The public and private meanings of possessions ML Richins Journal of consumer research 21 (3), 504-521, 1994 | 1905 | 1994 |
Social comparison and the idealized images of advertising ML Richins Journal of consumer research 18 (1), 71-83, 1991 | 1761 | 1991 |
A theoretical model for the study of product importance perceptions PH Bloch, ML Richins Journal of marketing 47 (3), 69-81, 1983 | 1748 | 1983 |
Special possessions and the expression of material values ML Richins Journal of consumer research 21 (3), 522-533, 1994 | 1699 | 1994 |
After the new wears off: The temporal context of product involvement ML Richins, PH Bloch Journal of Consumer research 13 (2), 280-285, 1986 | 1143 | 1986 |
The role of involvement and opinion leadership in consumer word-of-mouth: An implicit model made explicit. ML Richins, T Root-Shaffer Advances in consumer research 15 (1), 1988 | 854 | 1988 |
Some theoretical and popular notions concerning materialism M Richins, S Fournier Journal of social behavior and personality 6 (6), 403-414, 1991 | 591 | 1991 |
Media, materialism, and human happiness ML Richins Advances in consumer research 14 (1), 352-356, 1987 | 587 | 1987 |
A multivariate analysis of responses to dissatisfaction ML Richins Journal of the academy of marketing science 15 (3), 24-31, 1987 | 553 | 1987 |
Shopping Without Purchase: An Investigation of Consumer Browsing Behavior. PH Bloch, ML Richins Advances in consumer research 10 (1), 1983 | 537 | 1983 |
WORD OF MOUTH COMMUNICATION A NEGATIVE INFORMATION. ML Richins Advances in consumer research 11 (1), 1984 | 468 | 1984 |
An analysis of consumer interaction styles in the marketplace ML Richins Journal of consumer Research 10 (1), 73-82, 1983 | 422 | 1983 |
Post-purchase product satisfaction: Incorporating the effects of involvement and time ML Richins, PH Bloch Journal of Business Research 23 (2), 145-158, 1991 | 391 | 1991 |
How enduring and situational involvement combine to create involvement responses ML Richins, PH Bloch, EF McQuarrie Journal of Consumer Psychology 1 (2), 143-153, 1992 | 390 | 1992 |
Materialism and economic psychology ML Richins, FW Rudmin Journal of Economic Psychology 15 (2), 217-231, 1994 | 370 | 1994 |
Social comparison, advertising, and consumer discontent ML Richins American Behavioral Scientist 38 (4), 593-607, 1995 | 342 | 1995 |