Sam Desiere
Sam Desiere
Department of Economics, Ghent University
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Contract farming for improving smallholder incomes: What can we learn from effectiveness studies?
G Ton, W Vellema, S Desiere, S Weituschat, M D'Haese
World Development 104, 46-64, 2018
Land productivity and plot size: Is measurement error driving the inverse relationship?
S Desiere, D Jolliffe
Journal of Development Economics 130, 84-98, 2018
Impact of climate-smart agriculture adoption on the food security of coastal farmers in Bangladesh
MK Hasan, S Desiere, M D’Haese, L Kumar
Food Security 10, 1073-1088, 2018
Statistical profiling in public employment services: An international comparison
S Desiere, K Langenbucher, L Struyven
OECD, 2019
Assessing current and future meat and fish consumption in Sub-Sahara Africa: Learnings from FAO Food Balance Sheets and LSMS household survey data
S Desiere, Y Hung, W Verbeke, M D’Haese
Global food security 16, 116-126, 2018
A validity assessment of the Progress out of Poverty Index (PPI)™
S Desiere, W Vellema, M D’Haese
Evaluation and program planning 49, 10-18, 2015
The Carbon Footprint of Academic Conferences: Evidence from the 14th EAAE Congress in Slovenia
S Desiere
EuroChoices 15 (2), 56-61, 2016
Human resource practices accompanying industry 4.0 in European manufacturing industry
Y Vereycken, M Ramioul, S Desiere, M Bal
Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management 32 (5), 1016-1036, 2021
Using artificial intelligence to classify jobseekers: the accuracy-equity trade-off
S Desiere, L Struyven
Journal of Social Policy 50 (2), 367-385, 2021
Predicting job satisfaction and workers’ intentions to leave at the bottom of the high value agricultural chain: evidence from the Ethiopian cut flower industry
L Staelens, S Desiere, C Louche, M D’haese
The International Journal of Human Resource Management 29 (9), 1609-1635, 2018
The Rwandan agrarian and land sector modernisation: confronting macro performance with lived experiences on the ground
A Ansoms, G Cioffo, N Dawson, S Desiere, C Huggins, M Leegwater, ...
Review of African Political Economy 45 (157), 408-431, 2018
Assessing the cross-sectional and inter-temporal validity of the Household Food Insecurity Access Scale (HFIAS) in Burundi
S Desiere, M D’Haese, S Niragira
Public Health Nutrition 18 (15), 2775-2785, 2015
Food for survival: Diagnosing crop patterns to secure lower threshold food security levels in farm households of Burundi
S Niragira, M D’Haese, L D’Haese, J Ndimubandi, S Desiere, J Buysse
Food and nutrition bulletin 36 (2), 196-210, 2015
Verifying validity of the household dietary diversity score: An application of rasch modeling
W Vellema, S Desiere, M D’Haese
Food and Nutrition Bulletin 37 (1), 27-41, 2016
Religion, food choices, and demand seasonality: Evidence from the Ethiopian milk market
E D’Haene, S Desiere, M D’Haese, W Verbeke, K Schoors
Foods 8 (5), 167, 2019
Employment data in household surveys: Taking stock, looking ahead
S Desiere, V Costa
Looking Ahead (June 11, 2019). World Bank Policy Research Working Paper, 2019
When the data source writes the conclusion: evaluating agricultural policies
S Desiere, L Staelens, M D’Haese
The Journal of Development Studies 52 (9), 1372-1387, 2016
Cow or goat? Population pressure and livestock keeping in Burundi
S Desiere, M D'Haese, S Niragira
Agrekon 54 (3), 23-42, 2015
Statistical profiling of unemployed jobseekers
BD van Landeghem, L Sam Struyven
IZA World of Labor, 2021
Boserup versus Malthus: Does population pressure drive agricultural intensification? Evidence from Burundi
S Desiere, M D'Haese
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