Agustini Utari
Agustini Utari
Diponegoro University
Congenital adrenal hyperplasia—current insights in pathophysiology, diagnostics, and management
HL Claahsen-van der Grinten, PW Speiser, SF Ahmed, W Arlt, RJ Auchus, ...
Endocrine reviews 43 (1), 91-159, 2022
Side effects of minocycline treatment in patients with fragile X syndrome and exploration of outcome measures
A Utari, W Chonchaiya, SM Rivera, A Schneider, RJ Hagerman, ...
American journal on intellectual and developmental disabilities 115 (5), 433-443, 2010
Aging in fragile X syndrome
A Utari, E Adams, E Berry-Kravis, A Chavez, F Scaggs, L Ngotran, A Boyd, ...
Journal of Neurodevelopmental disorders 2, 70-76, 2010
Hubungan indeks massa tubuh dengan tingkat kesegaran jasmani pada anak usia 12-14 tahun
A Utari
program Pascasarjana Universitas Diponegoro, 2007
Clinical involvement in daughters of men with fragile X‐associated tremor ataxia syndrome
W Chonchaiya, DV Nguyen, J Au, L Campos, EM Berry‐Kravis, K Lohse, ...
Clinical Genetics 78 (1), 38-46, 2010
Sindroma Metabolik pada Remaja Obesitas (The metabolic syndrome among obese adolescents)
M Mexitalia, A Utari, M Sakundarno, T Yamauchi, HW Subagio, ...
Media Medika Indonesiana 43 (6), 300-305, 2009
Glucocorticoid activity of adrenal steroid precursors in untreated patients with congenital adrenal hyperplasia
M Engels, KJ Pijnenburg-Kleizen, A Utari, SMH Faradz, S Oude-Alink, ...
The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism 104 (11), 5065-5072, 2019
Broad clinical involvement in a family affected by the fragile X premutation
W Chonchaiya, A Utari, GM Pereira, F Tassone, D Hessl, RJ Hagerman
Journal of Developmental & Behavioral Pediatrics 30 (6), 544-551, 2009
Turner syndrome in diverse populations
P Kruszka, YA Addissie, C Tekendo‐Ngongang, KL Jones, SK Savage, ...
American Journal of Medical Genetics Part A 182 (2), 303-313, 2020
Sociocultural aspects of disorders of sex development
A Ediati, N Maharani, A Utari
Birth Defects Research Part C: Embryo Today: Reviews 108 (4), 380-383, 2016
Fragile X syndrome: clinical, cytogenetic and molecular screening among autism spectrum disorder children in Indonesia
TI Winarni, A Utari, FEP Mundhofir, RJ Hagerman, SMH Faradz
Clinical genetics 84 (6), 577-580, 2013
Konsensus Nasional Pengelolaan Diabetes Mellitus Tipe-2 pada Anak dan Remaja
M Julia, A Utari, AG Moelyo, N Rochmah
Badan Penerbit Ikatan Dokter Anak Indonesia, 2015
The role of uncoupling protein 2 and 3 genes polymorphism and energy expenditure in obese Indonesian children
M Mexitalia, T Yamauchi, A Utari, DR Sjarif, HW Subagio, A Soemantri, ...
Journal of Pediatric Endocrinology and Metabolism 26 (5-6), 441-447, 2013
Identification of Expanded Alleles of the FMR1 Gene Among High-Risk Population in Indonesia by Using Blood Spot Screening
TI Winarni, A Utari, FEP Mundhofir, T Tong, B Durbin-Johnson, ...
Genetic Testing and Molecular Biomarkers 16 (3), 162-166, 2012
Familiarity and genetic literacy among medical students in Indonesia
YM Swandayani, FK Cayami, TI Winarni, A Utari
BMC Medical Education 21, 1-10, 2021
We all have a role to play: Redressing inequities for children living with CAH and other chronic health conditions of childhood in resource-poor settings
K Armstrong, A Benedict Yap, S Chan-Cua, ME Craig, C Cole, ...
International Journal of Neonatal Screening 6 (4), 76, 2020
Diagnosis dan tata laksana hipotiroid kongenital
NP Yati, A Utari, DS Rustama, EP Soenggoro, ANS Marzuki, AB Pulungan, ...
Jakarta: Badan Penerbit Ikatan Dokter Anak Indonesia, 1-2, 2017
Preliminary study of newborn screening for congenital hypothyroidism and congenital adrenal hyperplasia in Indonesia
AB Pulungan, F Soesanti, A Utari, N Pritayati, M Julia, D Annisa, ...
eJournal Kedokteran Indonesia 8 (2), 381847, 2020
Effects of low glycemic index diet on insulin resistance among obese adolescent with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease: A randomized controlled trial
A Utari, MS Maududi, NRD Kusumawati, M Mexitalia
Medical Journal of Indonesia 28 (2), 123-8, 2019
Surveillance and prevalence of fragile X syndrome in Indonesia
NRB Sihombing, TI Winarni, A Utari, H van Bokhoven, RJ Hagerman, ...
Intractable & Rare Diseases Research 10 (1), 11-16, 2021
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