Paulissen E*
Paulissen E*
Em. Professor Geography
在 ees.kuleuven.be 的电子邮件经过验证
Late second–early first millennium BC abrupt climate changes in coastal Syria and their possible significance for the history of the Eastern Mediterranean
D Kaniewski, E Paulissen, E Van Campo, H Weiss, T Otto, ...
Quaternary research 74 (2), 207-215, 2010
Methods for the extraction of archaeological features from very high-resolution Ikonos-2 remote sensing imagery, Hisar (southwest Turkey)
V De Laet, E Paulissen, M Waelkens
Journal of Archaeological Science 34 (5), 830-841, 2007
A Middle Palaeolithic burial of a modern human at Taramsa Hill, Egypt
PM Vermeersch, E Paulissen, P Van Peer, S Stokes, C Charlier, ...
Antiquity 72 (277), 475-484, 1998
Chert quarrying, lithic technology and a modern human burial at the Palaeolithic site of Taramsa 1, Upper Egypt
P Van Peer, PM Vermeersch, E Paulissen
Leuven university press, 2010
Earth, man and climate in the Egyptian Nile Valley during the Pleistocene
E Paulissen, P Vermeersch
SMU Press, Dallas, 1987
Middle East coastal ecosystem response to middle-to-late Holocene abrupt climate changes
D Kaniewski, E Paulissen, E Van Campo, M Al-Maqdissi, J Bretschneider, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 105 (37), 13941-13946, 2008
Late Holocene environmental change and the record of human impact at Gravgaz near Sagalassos, Southwest Turkey
M Vermoere, E Smets, M Waelkens, H Vanhaverbeke, I Librecht, ...
Journal of Archaeological Science 27 (7), 571-595, 2000
The 1996 and 1997 surveys on the territory of Sagalassos
M Waelkens, E Paulissen, H Vanhaverbeke, J Reyniers, J Poblome, ...
Sagalassos 5, 17-216, 2000
A high-resolution Late Holocene landscape ecological history inferred from an intramontane basin in the Western Taurus Mountains, Turkey
D Kaniewski, E Paulissen, V De Laet, K Dossche, M Waelkens
Quaternary Science Reviews 26 (17-18), 2201-2218, 2007
Palynological evidence for late-Holocene human occupation recorded in two wetlands in SW Turkey
M Vermoere, S Bottema, L Vanhecke, M Waelkens, E Paulissen, E Smets
The Holocene 12 (5), 569-584, 2002
Quaternary lithostratigraphic units (Belgium)
F Gullentops, F Bogemans, G De Moor, E Paulissen, A Pissart
Geologica Belgica 4 (1-2), 153-164, 2001
De morfologie en de Kwartair stratigrafie van de Maasvallei in Belgisch Limburg
E Paulissen
Koninklijke Vlaamse Academie van Belgie voor Wetenschappen en Kunsten; Brussel, 1973
Surface-rupturing history of the Bree fault scarp, Roer Valley graben: Evidence for six events since the late Pleistocene
K Vanneste, K Verbeeck, T Camelbeeck, E Paulissen, M Meghraoui, ...
Journal of seismology 5 (3), 329-359, 2001
Man, vegetation and climate during the Holocene in the territory of Sagalassos, Western Taurus Mountains, SW Turkey
J Bakker, E Paulissen, D Kaniewski, V De Laet, G Verstraeten, ...
Vegetation History and Archaeobotany 21, 249-266, 2012
The medieval climate anomaly and the little Ice Age in coastal Syria inferred from pollen-derived palaeoclimatic patterns
D Kaniewski, E Van Campo, E Paulissen, H Weiss, J Bakker, I Rossignol, ...
Global and Planetary Change 78 (3-4), 178-187, 2011
Seismic catastrophes at the ancient city of Sagalassos (SW Turkey) and their implications for seismotectonics in the Burdur–Isparta area
M Sintubin, P Muchez, D Similox‐Tohon, G Verhaert, E Paulissen, ...
Geological Journal 38 (3‐4), 359-374, 2003
The physical environment at Sagalassos (Western Taurus, Turkey). A reconnaissance survey
E Paulissen, J Poesen, G Govers, J De Ploey
Sagalassos II. Report on the third excavation campaign of, 229-247, 1992
33,000-yr old chert mining site and related Homo in the Egyptian Nile Valley
PM Vermeersch, E Paulissen, G Gijselings, M Otte, A Thoma, P Van Peer, ...
Nature 309 (5966), 342-344, 1984
Shuwikhat 2, a Silsilian site
P Vermeersch, G Gijselings, E Paulissen
Palaeolithic Living Sites in Upper and Middle Egypt, 201-210, 2000
Long‐term effects of human impact on mountainous ecosystems, western Taurus Mountains, Turkey
D Kaniewski, V De Laet, E Paulissen, M Waelkens
Journal of Biogeography 34 (11), 1975-1997, 2007
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