Andrés Scherman
Andrés Scherman
在 uai.cl 的电子邮件经过验证
The social media basis of youth protest behavior: The case of Chile
S Valenzuela, A Arriagada, A Scherman
Journal of communication 62 (2), 299-314, 2012
Social media social capital, offline social capital, and citizenship: Exploring asymmetrical social capital effects
HG de Zúñiga, M Barnidge, A Scherman
Digital Politics: Mobilization, Engagement and Participation, 44-68, 2018
Facebook, Twitter, and youth engagement: A quasi-experimental study of social media use and protest behavior using propensity score matching
S Valenzuela, A Arriagada, A Scherman
International Journal of Communication 8, 25, 2014
Student and environmental protests in Chile: The role of social media
A Scherman, A Arriagada, S Valenzuela
Politics 35 (2), 151-171, 2015
Social media in Latin America: deepening or bridging gaps in protest participation?
S Valenzuela, NM Somma, A Scherman, A Arriagada
Online information review 40 (5), 695-711, 2016
La protesta en la era de las redes sociales: el caso chileno
A Scherman, A Arriagada, S Valenzuela
Intermedios. Medios de comunicación y democracia en Chile 1, 179-197, 2013
Do digital platforms really make a difference in content? Mapping journalistic role performance in Chilean print and online news
C Mellado, ML Humanes, A Scherman, A Ovando
Journalism 22 (2), 358-377, 2021
Consumo de noticias y temor al delito en Chile
A Scherman, NE Thielemann
Estudios sobre el mensaje periodístico, 563-575, 2013
¿ Hacia una nueva ciudadanía multifuncional? Uso de medios digitales, redes sociales online y participación política
A Scherman, A Arriagada, S Valenzuela
Revista Latinoamericana de Opinión Pública 2 (2), 159-191, 2012
Testing the hypothesis of “impressionable years” with willingness to self-censor in Chile
N Etchegaray, A Scherman, S Valenzuela
International Journal of Public Opinion Research 31 (2), 331-348, 2019
Social media use and pathways to protest participation: evidence from the 2019 Chilean social outburst
A Scherman, S Rivera
Social Media+ Society 7 (4), 20563051211059704, 2021
Estudiantes de periodismo en Chile: Percepción sobre la profesión, su futuro laboral y el desempeño de los medios
C Mellado, A Scherman
Journalism Students Project, 2015
La performance periodística en la cobertura deportiva: un estudio comparado de televisión, radio, prensa impresa y medios online en Chile
A Scherman, C Mellado
Palabra Clave 22 (3), 2019
Audiences and disasters: Analyses of media diaries before and after an earthquake and a massive fire
T Correa, A Scherman, A Arriagada
Journal of Communication 66 (4), 519-541, 2016
Mapping source diversity across Chilean news platforms and mediums
C Mellado, A Scherman
Journalism practice 15 (7), 974-993, 2021
Jóvenes, postmaterialismo y consumo de medios
A Scherman, A Arriagada
Jóvenes, participación y medios 2011, 8-17, 2012
Disposition to vote and media consumption patterns among Chilean youth
A Scherman, A Arriagada
Communication & Society 25 (1), 85-112, 2012
Youth environmental activism in the age of social media: the case of Chile (2009-2019)
A Scherman, S Valenzuela, S Rivera
Journal of Youth Studies 25 (6), 751-770, 2022
Santiago no es Chile: brechas, prácticas y percepciones de la representación medial en las audiencias chilenas
A Arriagada, T Correa, A Scherman, J Abarzúa
Cuadernos. info, 63-75, 2015
The influence of media coverage on the negative perception of migrants in Chile
A Scherman, N Etchegaray, I Pavez, D Grassau
International journal of environmental research and public health 19 (13), 8219, 2022
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