Genia Babykina
Genia Babykina
University of Lille
在 univ-lille.fr 的电子邮件经过验证
Gastric bypass but not sleeve gastrectomy increases risk of major osteoporotic fracture: French population‐based cohort study
J Paccou, N Martignène, E Lespessailles, E Babykina, F Pattou, B Cortet, ...
Journal of Bone and Mineral Research 35 (8), 1415-1423, 2020
Traumatic cardiac arrest is associated with lower survival rate vs. medical cardiac arrest–Results from the French national registry
J Escutnaire, M Genin, E Babykina, C Dumont, F Javaudin, V Baert, ...
Resuscitation 131, 48-54, 2018
Modeling and simulation of a controlled steam generator in the context of dynamic reliability using a Stochastic Hybrid Automaton
G Babykina, N Brînzei, JF Aubry, G Deleuze
Reliability Engineering & System Safety 152, 115-136, 2016
Rapport final du projet APPRODYN: APPROches de la fiabilité DYNamique pour modéliser des systèmes critiques
JF Aubry, G Babykina, A Barros, N Brinzei, G Deleuze, B De Saporta, ...
Surveillance, Sûreté et Sécurité des Grands Systèmes, 2012
Psychiatric adverse events associated with infliximab: a cohort study from the french nationwide discharge abstract database
EM Thillard, S Gautier, E Babykina, L Carton, A Amad, G Bouzillé, ...
Frontiers in pharmacology 11, 513, 2020
Risk factors for hospital readmission and death after discharge of older adults from acute geriatric units: taking the rank of admission into account
F Visade, G Babykina, F Puisieux, F Bloch, A Charpentier, C Delecluse, ...
Clinical interventions in aging, 1931-1941, 2021
Can we identify termination of resuscitation criteria in cardiac arrest due to drowning: results from the French national out‐of‐hospital cardiac arrest registry
H Hubert, J Escutnaire, P Michelet, E Babykina, C El Khoury, K Tazarourte, ...
Journal of evaluation in clinical practice 22 (6), 928-935, 2016
Modelling pipe failures in water distribution systems: accounting for harmful repairs and a time-dependent covariate
G Babykina, V Couallier
International Journal of Performability Engineering 10 (1), 41, 2014
The APPRODYN project: dynamic reliability approaches to modeling critical systems
JF Aubry, G Babykina, N Brinzei, S Medjaher, A Barros, C Berenguer, ...
Supervision and Safety of Complex Systems, 141-179, 2012
Importance of previous hospital stays on the risk of hospital re-admission in older adults: a real-life analysis of the PAERPA study population
F Visade, G Babykina, A Lamer, MM Defebvre, D Verloop, G Ficheur, ...
Age and Ageing 50 (1), 141-146, 2021
A generic method for improving the spatial interoperability of medical and ecological databases
A Ghenassia, JB Beuscart, G Ficheur, F Occelli, E Babykina, E Chazard, ...
International Journal of Health Geographics 16, 1-11, 2017
Deterministic and stochastic dependability analysis of industrial systems using Coloured Petri Nets approach
B Pinna, G Babykina, N Brinzei, JF Pétin
Annual conference of the European safety and reliability association, ESREL …, 2013
Using coloured petri nets for integrated reliability and safety evaluations
B Pinna, G Babykina, N Brinzei, JF Pétin
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 46 (22), 19-24, 2013
Reliability assessment for complex systems operating in dynamic environment
G Babykina, N Brinzei, JF Aubry, GAP Castaneda
Advances in Safety, Reliability and Risk Manag 46, 2012
Empirical assessment of the maximum likelihood estimator quality in a parametric counting process model for recurrent events
G Babykina, V Couallier
Computational statistics & data analysis 56 (2), 297-315, 2012
Modelling recurrent events for repairable systems under worse than old assumption
G Babykina, V Couallier
Advances in Degradation Modeling: Applications to Reliability, Survival …, 2010
Can we define termination of resuscitation criteria in out-of-hospital hanging?
J Escutnaire, F Ducrocq, A Singier, V Baert, E Babykina, C Dumont, ...
Prehospital Emergency Care 23 (1), 58-65, 2019
Epidemiology of Cardiac Arrests in Airports: Four Years Results of the French National Cardiac Arrest Registry.
J Escutnaire, P Bargain, E Babykina, K Tazarourte, C El Khoury, ...
Br J Med Med Res, 2016
Modelling a feed-water control system of a steam generator in the framework of the dynamic reliability
G Babykina, N Brinzei, JF Aubry, G Deleuze
Annual Conf. European Safety and Reliability, 2013
Use of automated fetal heart rate analysis to identify risk factors for umbilical cord acidosis at birth
AH de l’Aulnoit, M Génin, S Boudet, R Demailly, C Ternynck, G Babykina, ...
Computers in Biology and Medicine 115, 103525, 2019
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