Wei Niu
Patdnn: Achieving real-time DNN execution on mobile devices with pattern-based weight pruning
W Niu, X Ma, S Lin, S Wang, X Qian, X Lin, Y Wang, B Ren
ASPLOS'20, 907-922, 2020
PCONV: The Missing but Desirable Sparsity in DNN Weight Pruning for Real-Time Execution on Mobile Devices.
X Ma, FM Guo, W Niu, X Lin, J Tang, K Ma, B Ren, Y Wang
AAAI'20, 5117-5124, 2020
Spvit: Enabling faster vision transformers via soft token pruning
Z Kong, P Dong, X Ma, X Meng, M Sun, W Niu, X Shen, G Yuan, B Ren, ...
ECCV'22, 2021
DNNFusion: accelerating deep neural networks execution with advanced operator fusion
W Niu, J Guan, Y Wang, G Agrawal, B Ren
PLDI'2021, 883-898, 2021
YOLObile: Real-Time Object Detection on Mobile Devices via Compression-Compilation Co-Design
Y Cai, H Li, G Yuan, W Niu, Y Li, X Tang, B Ren, Y Wang
AAAI'21, 2020
Mest: Accurate and fast memory-economic sparse training framework on the edge
ZL G Yuan, X Ma, W Niu
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 34 (20838-20850), 2, 2021
RTMobile: Beyond Real-Time Mobile Acceleration of RNNs for Speech Recognition
P Dong, S Wang, W Niu, C Zhang, S Lin, Z Li, Y Gong, B Ren, X Lin, ...
DAC'20, 2020
Sparcl: Sparse continual learning on the edge
Z Wang, Z Zhan, Y Gong, G Yuan, W Niu, T Jian, B Ren, S Ioannidis, ...
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 35, 20366-20380, 2022
Achieving on-mobile real-time super-resolution with neural architecture and pruning search
Z Zhan, Y Gong, P Zhao, G Yuan, W Niu, Y Wu, T Zhang, M Jayaweera, ...
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF international conference on computer vision …, 2021
26ms inference time for resnet-50: Towards real-time execution of all dnns on smartphone
W Niu, X Ma, Y Wang, B Ren
Proceedings of the 36th International Conference on Machine Learning, PMLR, 2019
Npas: A compiler-aware framework of unified network pruning and architecture search for beyond real-time mobile acceleration
Z Li, G Yuan, W Niu, P Zhao, Y Li, Y Cai, X Shen, Z Zhan, Z Kong, Q Jin, ...
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2021
An Image Enhancing Pattern-based Sparsity for Real-time Inference on Mobile Devices
X Ma, W Niu, T Zhang, S Liu, FM Guo, S Lin, H Li, X Chen, J Tang, K Ma, ...
ECCV'20: Proceedings of the European Conference on Computer Vision, 2020
A Privacy-Preserving DNN Pruning and Mobile Acceleration Framework
Z Zhan, Y Gong, Z Li, P Zhao, X Ma, W Niu, X Xu, B Ren, Y Wang, X Lin
GLSVLSI '20: Proceedings of the 2020 on Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI, 2020
CoCoPIE: Enabling real-time AI on off-the-shelf mobile devices via compression-compilation co-design
H Guan, S Liu, X Ma, W Niu, B Ren, X Shen, Y Wang, P Zhao
Communications of the ACM 64 (6), 62-68, 2021
Grim: A general, real-time deep learning inference framework for mobile devices based on fine-grained structured weight sparsity
W Niu, Z Li, X Ma, P Dong, G Zhou, X Qian, X Lin, Y Wang, B Ren
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 44 (10), 6224 …, 2021
Towards artificial general intelligence (agi) in the internet of things (iot): Opportunities and challenges
F Dou, J Ye, G Yuan, Q Lu, W Niu, H Sun, L Guan, G Lu, G Mai, N Liu, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2309.07438, 2023
Clicktrain: Efficient and accurate end-to-end deep learning training via fine-grained architecture-preserving pruning
C Zhang, G Yuan, W Niu, J Tian, S Jin, D Zhuang, Z Jiang, Y Wang, B Ren, ...
Proceedings of the ACM international conference on supercomputing, 266-278, 2021
Compiler-aware neural architecture search for on-mobile real-time super-resolution
Y Wu, Y Gong, P Zhao, Y Li, Z Zhan, W Niu, H Tang, M Qin, B Ren, ...
European Conference on Computer Vision, 92-111, 2022
Blk-rew: A unified block-based dnn pruning framework using reweighted regularization method
X Ma, Z Li, Y Gong, T Zhang, W Niu, Z Zhan, P Zhao, J Tang, X Lin, B Ren, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2001.08357, 2020
Survey: Exploiting data redundancy for optimization of deep learning
JA Chen, W Niu, B Ren, Y Wang, X Shen
ACM Computing Surveys 55 (10), 1-38, 2023
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