Tomás I. Marina
Tomás I. Marina
Centro Austral de Investigaciones Científicas (CADIC-CONICET)
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The food web of Potter Cove (Antarctica): complexity, structure and function
TI Marina, V Salinas, G Cordone, G Campana, E Moreira, D Deregibus, ...
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 200, 141-151, 2018
Ecological network assembly: How the regional metaweb influences local food webs
LA Saravia, TI Marina, NP Kristensen, M De Troch, FR Momo
Journal of Animal Ecology 91 (3), 630-642, 2022
Green vs brown food web: Effects of habitat type on multidimensional stability proxies for a highly-resolved Antarctic food web
G Cordone, V Salinas, TI Marina, SR Doyle, F Pasotti, LA Saravia, ...
Food Webs 25, e00166, 2020
Architecture of marine food webs: To be or not be a ‘small-world’
TI Marina, LA Saravia, G Cordone, V Salinas, SR Doyle, FR Momo
PLoS One 13 (5), e0198217, 2018
Effects of macroalgae loss in an Antarctic marine food web: applying extinction thresholds to food web studies
G Cordone, TI Marina, V Salinas, SR Doyle, LA Saravia, FR Momo
PeerJ 6, e5531, 2018
Marine food webs are more complex but less stable in sub-Antarctic (Beagle Channel, Argentina) than in Antarctic (Potter Cove, Antarctic Peninsula) regions
ID Rodriguez, TI Marina, IR Schloss, LA Saravia
Marine Environmental Research 174, 105561, 2022
Southern Ocean food web modelling: Progress, prognoses, and future priorities for research and policy makers
SA McCormack, J Melbourne-Thomas, R Trebilco, G Griffith, SL Hill, ...
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 9, 624763, 2021
Soil fauna community and ecosystem's resilience: A food web approach
G Maggiotto, L Sabatté, TI Marina, L Fueyo-Sánchez, AMR Londoño, ...
Acta Oecologica 99, 103445, 2019
Food web rewiring drives long-term compositional differences and late-disturbance interactions at the community level
F Polazzo, TI Marina, M Crettaz-Minaglia, A Rico
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 119 (17), e2117364119, 2022
Seaweeds in the Antarctic marine coastal food web
FR Momo, G Cordone, TI Marina, V Salinas, GL Campana, MA Valli, ...
Antarctic Seaweeds: Diversity, Adaptation and Ecosystem Services, 293-307, 2020
Long‐finned pilot whale (Globicephala melas, Traill 1809) subspecies in the Atlantic Ocean: Are there differences in their skulls?
TI Marina, MC Marchesi, RNP Goodall
Marine Mammal Science 35 (2), 2019
Multiweb: An R Package for multiple interaction ecological networks
LA Saravia, S Kortsch, TI Marina, ID Rodriguez
Zenodo. doi 10, 2019
Southern Ocean Food Web Modelling: Progress, Prognoses, and Future Priorities for Research and Policy Makers, Front. Ecol. Evol., 9, 626
SA McCormack, J Melbourne-Thomas, R Trebilco, G Griffith, SL Hill, ...
Respuesta de la comunidad de fitoplancton y zooplancton al afloramiento de agua subterránea y surgencia costera en la península de Yucatán, México
TI Marina, JA Herrera-Silveira, I Medina-Gómez
Ecología austral 27 (2), 219-231, 2017
Ecological networks of an Antarctic ecosystem: a full description of non-trophic interactions
V Salinas, TI Marina, G Cordone, FR Momo
Marine Biology 170 (1), 9, 2023
New insights into the Weddell Sea ecosystem applying a quantitative network approach
TI Marina, LA Saravia, S Kortsch
Ocean Science 20 (1), 141-153, 2024
Complex network of trophic interactions in Burdwood Bank, a sub-Antarctic oceanic marine protected area
TI Marina, IR Schloss, GA Lovrich, CC Boy, DO Bruno, FL Capitanio, ...
Marine Ecology Progress Series 736, 1-18, 2024
Marine food webs are more complex but less stable in sub-Antarctic than in Antarctic regions
ID Rodriguez, TI Marina, IR Schloss, LA Saravia
Estimating the Impact of Biodiversity Loss in a Marine Antarctic Food Web
V Salinas, G Cordone, TI Marina, FR Momo
Diversity 16 (1), 63, 2024
Las redes tróficas de la Antártida ante el cambio climático
TI Marina, VA Salinas, GF Cordone
Prensa Científica, SA, 2020
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