Merima Ali
Merima Ali
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To pay or not to pay? Citizens’ attitudes toward taxation in Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, and South Africa
M Ali, OH Fjeldstad, IH Sjursen
World Development 64, 828-842, 2014
Colonial legacy, state-building and the salience of ethnicity in Sub-Saharan Africa
M Ali, OH Fjeldstad, B Jiang, AB Shifa
The Economic Journal 129 (619), 1048-1081, 2019
Factors affecting tax compliant attitude in Africa: Evidence from Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda and South Africa
M Ali, OH Fjeldstad, IH Sjursen
Centre for the Study of African Economies 2013 Conference, Oxford University, 2013
Factors affecting tax compliant attitude in Africa: Evidence from Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda and South Africa
OH Fjeldstad, IH Sjursen, M Ali
Factors Affecting Tax Compliant Attitude in Africa: Evidence from Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda and South Africa. Paper prepared for Centre for the Study of African Economies 2013 …
M Ali, O Fjeldstad, I Sjursen
Oxford, 2013
Farm households and nonfarm activities in Ethiopia: does clustering influence entry and exit?
M Ali, J Peerlings
Agricultural Economics 43 (3), 253-266, 2012
Value added of cluster membership for micro enterprises of the handloom sector in Ethiopia
M Ali, J Peerlings
World development 39 (3), 363-374, 2011
Information technology and fiscal capacity in a developing country: evidence from Ethiopia
M Ali, A Shifa, A Shimeles, FB Woldeyes
ICTD working paper 31, 2015
Taxing the urban boom in Tanzania: Central versus local government property tax collection
OH Fjeldstad, M Ali, L Katera
CMI Insight, 2017
Taxing the urban boom: property taxation in Africa
OH Fjeldstad, M Ali, T Goodfellow
CMI Insight, 2017
Property taxation in developing countries
M Ali, OH Fjeldstad, L Katera
CMI Brief, 2017
Understanding inequalities in child health in Ethiopia: health achievements are improving in the period 2000–2011
EK Skaftun, M Ali, OF Norheim
PLoS One 9 (8), e106460, 2014
Policy implementation under stress: Central-local government relations in property tax administration in Tanzania
OH Fjeldstad, M Ali, L Katera
Journal of Financial Management of Property and Construction, 2019
Health inequalities in Ethiopia: modeling inequalities in length of life within and between population groups
EJ Tranvåg, M Ali, OF Norheim
International journal for equity in health 12 (1), 1-8, 2013
European colonization and the corruption of local elites: The case of chiefs in Africa
M Ali, OH Fjeldstad, AB Shifa
Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 179, 80-100, 2020
Colonial legacy, state-building and the salience of ethnicity in Sub-Saharan Africa
M Ali, OH Fjeldstad, B Jiang, AB Shifa
CMI Working Paper, 2015
Government's role in cluster development for MSEs: Lessons from Ethiopia
M Ali
CMI report 2012 (2), 2012
Building fiscal capacity in developing countries: Evidence on the role of information technology
M Ali, AB Shifa, A Shimeles, F Woldeyes
National Tax Journal 74 (3), 591-620, 2021
Clustering as an organizational response to capital market inefficiency: evidence from microenterprises in Ethiopia
M Ali, J Peerlings, X Zhang
Small Business Economics 43, 697-709, 2014
Ethnic ties in trade relationships and the impact on economic performance: The case of small-scale producers in the handloom sector in Ethiopia
M Ali, J Peerlings
Journal of Development Studies 47 (8), 1241-1260, 2011
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