Chien Ping Chang
Chien Ping Chang
China University of Technology
在 cute.edu.tw 的电子邮件经过验证
A fast intensity-hue-saturation fusion technique with spectral adjustment for IKONOS imagery
TM Tu, PS Huang, CL Hung, CP Chang
IEEE Geoscience and Remote sensing letters 1 (4), 309-312, 2004
Conditional diagnosability measures for large multiprocessor systems
PL Lai, JJM Tan, CP Chang, LH Hsu
IEEE Transactions on Computers 54 (2), 165-175, 2005
A Novel Image Steganographic Method Using Tri-way Pixel-Value Differencing.
KC Chang, CP Chang, PS Huang, TM Tu
Journal of multimedia 3 (2), 2008
Edge congestion and topological properties of crossed cubes
CP Chang, TY Sung, LH Hsu
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems 11 (1), 64-80, 2000
Detection of copy–move image forgery using histogram of orientated gradients
JC Lee, CP Chang, WK Chen
Information Sciences 321, 250-262, 2015
High-payload image hiding with quality recovery using tri-way pixel-value differencing
YP Lee, JC Lee, WK Chen, KC Chang, J Su, CP Chang
Information sciences 191, 214-225, 2012
Robust spatial watermarking technique for colour images via direct saturation adjustment
PS Huang, CS Chiang, CP Chang, TM Tu
IEE Proceedings-Vision, Image and Signal Processing 152 (5), 561-574, 2005
Topological properties of twisted cube
CP Chang, JN Wang, LH Hsu
Information Sciences 113 (1-2), 147-167, 1999
A secure palm vein recognition system
KS Wu, JC Lee, TM Lo, KC Chang, CP Chang
Journal of Systems and Software 86 (11), 2870-2876, 2013
Best tradeoff for high-resolution image fusion to preserve spatial details and minimize color distortion
TM Tu, WC Cheng, CP Chang, PS Huang, JC Chang
IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters 4 (2), 302-306, 2007
Adjustable intensity-hue-saturation and Brovey transform fusion technique for IKONOS/QuickBird imagery
TM Tu, YC Lee, CP Chang, PS Huang
Optical Engineering 44 (11), 116201-116201-10, 2005
Dummy-based schemes for protecting movement trajectories
PR Lei, WC Peng, IJ Su, CP Chang
Journal of Information Science and Engineering 28 (2), 335-350, 2012
Diagnosability of t-connected networks and product networks under the comparison diagnosis model
CP Chang, PL Lai, JJM Tan, LH Hsu
IEEE Transactions on Computers 53 (12), 1582-1590, 2004
A fixed-threshold approach to generate high-resolution vegetation maps for IKONOS imagery
WC Cheng, JC Chang, CP Chang, Y Su, TM Tu
Sensors 8 (7), 4308-4317, 2008
Dorsal hand vein recognition based on directional filter bank
JC Lee, TM Lo, CP Chang
Signal, image and video processing 10 (1), 145-152, 2016
Using empirical mode decomposition for iris recognition
CP Chang, JC Lee, Y Su, PS Huang, TM Tu
Computer Standards & Interfaces 31 (4), 729-739, 2009
Adaptive image steganographic scheme based on tri-way pixel-value differencing
KC Chang, PS Huang, TM Tu, CP Chang
2007 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, 1165-1170, 2007
An empirical mode decomposition approach for iris recognition
JC Lee, PS Huang, CS Chiang, TM Tu, CP Chang
2006 International Conference on Image Processing, 289-292, 2006
A new vegetation enhancement/extraction technique for IKONOS and QuickBird imagery
TM Tu, HT Lu, YC Chang, JC Chang, CP Chang
IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters 6 (2), 349-353, 2009
Optimal k-fault-tolerant networks for token rings
TY Sung, TY Ho, CP Chang, LH Hsu
J. Inf. Sci. Eng. 16 (3), 381-390, 2000
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