Guangdong Academy of Sciences
在 soil.gd.cn 的电子邮件经过验证
Mitigation of ammonia inhibition through bioaugmentation with different microorganisms during anaerobic digestion: Selection of strains and reactor performance evaluation
Z Yang, W Wang, C Liu, R Zhang, G Liu
Water research 155, 214-224, 2019
Effect of organic loading rate on anaerobic digestion of food waste under mesophilic and thermophilic conditions
C Liu, W Wang, N Anwar, Z Ma, G Liu, R Zhang
Energy & fuels 31 (3), 2976-2984, 2017
The effects of pH and temperature on the acetate production and microbial community compositions by syngas fermentation
C Liu, G Luo, W Wang, Y He, R Zhang, G Liu
Fuel 224, 537-544, 2018
CO as electron donor for efficient medium chain carboxylate production by chain elongation: microbial and thermodynamic insights
C Liu, G Luo, H Liu, Z Yang, I Angelidaki, O Sompong, G Liu, S Zhang, ...
Chemical Engineering Journal 390, 124577, 2020
Microbial insights of enhanced anaerobic conversion of syngas into volatile fatty acids by co-fermentation with carbohydrate-rich synthetic wastewater
C Liu, W Wang, S O-Thong, Z Yang, S Zhang, G Liu, G Luo
Biotechnology for biofuels 13, 1-14, 2020
Insight of co-fermentation of carbon monoxide with carbohydrate-rich wastewater for enhanced hydrogen production: Homoacetogenic inhibition and the role of pH
C Liu, Y Shi, H Liu, M Ma, G Liu, R Zhang, W Wang
Journal of cleaner production 267, 122027, 2020
Different microplastics in anaerobic paddy soils: Altering methane emissions by influencing organic matter composition and microbial metabolic pathways
M Ji, L Xiao, M Usman, C Liu, W Sang, L Treu, S Campanaro, G Luo, ...
Chemical Engineering Journal 469, 144003, 2023
Heterogeneous catalyst–microbiome hybrids for efficient CO-driven C6 carboxylic acid synthesis via metabolic pathway manipulation
C Liu, J Ji, W Wu, SG Arhin, VG Papadakis, MA Goula, S Zhang, Y Zhang, ...
ACS Catalysis 12 (10), 5834-5845, 2022
Nonmonotonic effect of CuO nanoparticles on medium-chain carboxylates production from waste activated sludge
C Liu, H Wang, M Usman, M Ji, J Sha, Z Liang, L Zhu, L Zhou, B Yan
Water Research 230, 119545, 2023
An integrated metagenomic model to uncover the cooperation between microbes and magnetic biochar during microplastics degradation in paddy soil
M Ji, G Giangeri, F Yu, F Sessa, C Liu, W Sang, P Canu, F Li, L Treu, ...
Journal of Hazardous Materials 458, 131950, 2023
Comparison of anaerobic methane fermentation performance and ammonia resistance with different inoculum configurations
Z Yang, H Sun, Y Liu, C Liu, R Zhang, G Liu, W Wang
Energy & Fuels 33 (9), 8711-8720, 2019
Construction of K and Tb Co-doped MnO2 nanoparticles for enhanced oxidation and detoxication of organic dye waste
H Wang, Z Liang, C Liu, L Zhu, Y Xu, L Zhou, B Yan
Chemosphere 297, 134104, 2022
An integrated Metagenomic-Pangenomic strategy revealed native microbes and magnetic biochar cooperation in plasticizer degradation
M Ji, G Giangeri, M Usman, C Liu, M Bosaro, F Sessa, P Canu, L Treu, ...
Chemical Engineering Journal 468, 143589, 2023
A TbPO4-based capturer for environmental extracellular antibiotic genes by interrogating lanthanide phosphates nanoneedles
H Wang, C Liu, X Teng, Z Liang, L Zhu, G Xu, C Chen, K Ma, R Liu, ...
Journal of Hazardous Materials 423, 127139, 2022
Response mechanisms of anaerobic fermentative sludge to zinc oxide nanoparticles during medium-chain carboxylates production from waste activated sludge
C Liu, M Usman, M Ji, J Sha, L Zhou, B Yan
Chemosphere 317, 137879, 2023
Combined modifications of CaO and liquid fraction of digestate for augmenting volatile fatty acids production from rice straw: Microbial and proteomics insights
H Yuan, R Guan, C Cao, M Ji, J Gu, L Zhou, X Zuo, C Liu, X Li, B Yan, J Li
Bioresource Technology 364, 128089, 2022
From trash to treasure: Microbial conversion of palladium contaminants into valuable Pd nanoparticles by Bacillus thuringiensis Y9
Y Chen, Y Chen, B Wang, C Mao, C Liu, R Liu, B Yan
Journal of Cleaner Production 366, 132880, 2022
基于厌氧微生物的碳链延长合成高价值化学品反应机理及研究进展: 不同电子供体
刘昊鹏, 刘超, 王雯, 刘广青
北京化工大学学报 (自然科学版) 47 (5), 1-17, 2020
刘超, 罗刚, 王雯, 刘广青
北京化工大学学报 (自然科学版) 44 (5), 2-12, 2017
温度和 pH 对厌氧微生物转化合成气定向产乙酸的影响
陈铭, 刘超, 王雯, 刘广青
环境工程 37 (12), 183-187, 2019
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