Kate Hosford
Kate Hosford
在 sfu.ca 的电子邮件经过验证
Freedom from the station: Spatial equity in access to dockless bike share
SJ Mooney, K Hosford, B Howe, A Yan, M Winters, A Bassok, JA Hirsch
Journal of transport geography 74, 91-96, 2019
Who are public bicycle share programs serving? An evaluation of the equity of spatial access to bicycle share service areas in Canadian cities
K Hosford, M Winters
Transportation research record 2672 (36), 42-50, 2018
Who are the ‘super-users’ of public bike share? An analysis of public bike share members in Vancouver, BC
M Winters, K Hosford, S Javaheri
Preventive medicine reports 15, 100946, 2019
Is the 15-minute city within reach? Evaluating walking and cycling accessibility to grocery stores in Vancouver
K Hosford, J Beairsto, M Winters
Transportation research interdisciplinary perspectives 14, 100602, 2022
Roadmap for free-floating bikeshare research and practice in North America
JA Hirsch, J Stratton-Rayner, M Winters, J Stehlin, K Hosford, SJ Mooney
Transport reviews 39 (6), 706-732, 2019
Who is in the near market for bicycle sharing? Identifying current, potential, and unlikely users of a public bicycle share program in Vancouver, Canada
K Hosford, SA Lear, D Fuller, K Teschke, S Therrien, M Winters
BMC Public Health 18, 1-10, 2018
Who were these bike lanes built for? Social-spatial inequities in Vancouver's bikeways, 2001–2016
CL Firth, K Hosford, M Winters
Journal of transport geography 94, 103122, 2021
Evaluation of the impact of a public bicycle share program on population bicycling in Vancouver, BC
K Hosford, D Fuller, SA Lear, K Teschke, L Gauvin, M Brauer, M Winters
Preventive medicine reports 12, 176-181, 2018
Evaluating the impact of implementing public bicycle share programs on cycling: the International Bikeshare Impacts on Cycling and Collisions Study (IBICCS)
K Hosford, M Winters, L Gauvin, A Camden, AS Dubé, SM Friedman, ...
International journal of behavioral nutrition and physical activity 16, 1-11, 2019
Observational study of pedestrian and cyclist interactions at intersections in Vancouver, BC and Montréal, QC
K Hosford, MS Cloutier, M Winters
Transportation research record 2674 (6), 410-419, 2020
The effects of road pricing on transportation and health equity: a scoping review
K Hosford, C Firth, M Brauer, M Winters
Transport reviews 41 (6), 766-787, 2021
Quantifying the bicycle share gender gap
K Hosford, M Winters
Findings, 2019
Are they really interested but concerned? A mixed methods exploration of the Geller bicyclist typology
K Hosford, K Laberee, D Fuller, Y Kestens, M Winters
Transportation research part F: traffic psychology and behaviour 75, 26-36, 2020
Who Are Public Bicycle Share Programs Serving? An Evaluation of the Equity of Spatial Access to Bicycle Share Service Areas in Canadian Cities
M Winters, K Hosford
Is Canada’s commuter bicycling population becoming more representative of the general population over time? A national portrait of bicycle commute mode share 1996–2016.
C MacEacheron, K Hosford, K Manaugh, N Smith-Lea, S Farber, ...
Active Travel Studies 3 (2), 2023
A Review on the Implications of COVID-19 for Delivering Equitable Transportation
M Palm, H Dos Santos, L Abchiche-Lima, K Hosford, É Comeau, ...
Identifying Unmarked Crosswalks at Bus Stops in Vancouver, Canada
K Hosford, S Tremblay, M Winters
Findings, 2020
Facilitators and barriers to the implementation of community-based transportation services for older adults: evidence from six case studies
K Hosford, B Pitman, M Winters
Transportation research interdisciplinary perspectives 24, 101062, 2024
Designing age-friendly communities: A mixed methods investigation into built environments that support older adults' access to transportation
K Hosford
Simon Fraser University, 2023
The Impact of Implementing Public Bicycle Share Programs on Bicycle Crashes
M Branion-Calles, K Hosford, M Winters, L Gauvin, D Fuller
Findings, 2020
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