Shuhui Liu
Shuhui Liu
在 mail.nwpu.edu.cn 的电子邮件经过验证
BCDForest: a boosting cascade deep forest model towards the classification of cancer subtypes based on gene expression data
Y Guo, S Liu, Z Li, X Shang
BMC bioinformatics 19, 1-13, 2018
Improving the measurement of semantic similarity by combining gene ontology and co-functional network: a random walk based approach
J Peng, X Zhang, W Hui, J Lu, Q Li, S Liu, X Shang
BMC systems biology 12, 109-116, 2018
Predicting and understanding student learning performance using multi-source sparse attention convolutional neural networks
Y Zhang, R An, S Liu, J Cui, X Shang
IEEE Transactions on Big Data 9 (1), 118-132, 2021
Meta-knowledge dictionary learning on 1-bit response data for student knowledge diagnosis
Y Zhang, H Dai, Y Yun, S Liu, A Lan, X Shang
Knowledge-Based Systems 205, 106290, 2020
Protein sub-nuclear localization based on effective fusion representations and dimension reduction algorithm LDA
S Wang, S Liu
International journal of molecular sciences 16 (12), 30343-30361, 2015
Towards the classification of cancer subtypes by using cascade deep forest model in gene expression data
Y Guo, S Liu, Z Li, X Shang
2017 IEEE international conference on bioinformatics and biomedicine (BIBM …, 2017
Linking genotype to phenotype in multi-omics data of small sample
X Guo, Y Song, S Liu, M Gao, Y Qi, X Shang
BMC genomics 22, 1-11, 2021
Hierarchical similarity network fusion for discovering cancer subtypes
S Liu, X Shang
Bioinformatics Research and Applications: 14th International Symposium …, 2018
Multi-instance discriminative contrastive learning for brain image representation
Y Zhang, S Liu, X Qu, X Shang
Neural Computing and Applications, 1-14, 2022
ProTICS reveals prognostic impact of tumor infiltrating immune cells in different molecular subtypes
S Liu, Y Zhang, X Shang, Z Zhang
Briefings in bioinformatics 22 (6), bbab164, 2021
Graph-regularized federated learning with shareable side information
Y Zhang, S Wei, S Liu, Y Wang, Y Xu, Y Li, X Shang
Knowledge-Based Systems 257, 109960, 2022
GAE-LGA: integration of multi-omics data with graph autoencoders to identify lncRNA–PCG associations
M Gao, S Liu, Y Qi, X Guo, X Shang
Briefings in Bioinformatics 23 (6), bbac452, 2022
Integrated sparse coding with graph learning for robust data representation
Y Zhang, S Liu
IEEE Access 8, 161245-161260, 2020
Low-rank graph regularized sparse coding
Y Zhang, S Liu, X Shang, M Xiang
PRICAI 2018: Trends in Artificial Intelligence: 15th Pacific Rim …, 2018
An mri study on effects of math education on brain development using multi-instance contrastive learning
Y Zhang, S Liu, X Shang
Frontiers in psychology 12, 765754, 2021
An improved hierarchical variational autoencoder for cell–cell communication estimation using single-cell RNA-seq data
S Liu, Y Zhang, J Peng, X Shang
Briefings in Functional Genomics 23 (2), 118-127, 2024
Imrelnc: Identifying immune-related lncrna characteristics in human cancers based on heuristic correlation optimization
M Gao, S Liu, Y Qi, X Guo, X Shang
Frontiers in genetics 12, 792541, 2022
Deep subspace similarity fusion for the prediction of cancer subtypes
B Yang, S Liu, S Pang, C Pang, X Shang
2018 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (BIBM …, 2018
Protein sub-nuclear location by fusing AAC and PSSM features based on sequence information
S Liu, S Wang, H Ding
2015 IEEE 5th International Conference on Electronics Information and …, 2015
Markov guided spatio-temporal networks for brain image classification
Y Zhang, Y Xu, R An, Y Li, S Liu, X Shang
2022 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (BIBM …, 2022
文章 1–20