Mauricio Castellano
Mauricio Castellano
Universidad de la República / Institut Pasteur de Montevideo
在 pasteur.edu.uy 的电子邮件经过验证
Fragmentation of extracellular ribosomes and tRNAs shapes the extracellular RNAome
JP Tosar, M Segovia, M Castellano, F Gámbaro, Y Akiyama, P Fagundez, ...
Nucleic Acids Research 48 (22), 12874-12888, 2020
Nicked tRNAs are stable reservoirs of tRNA halves in cells and biofluids
B Costa, M Li Calzi, M Castellano, V Blanco, E Cuevasanta, I Litvan, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 120 (4), e2216330120, 2023
Serum amyloid A is a positive acute phase protein in Russian sturgeon challenged with Aeromonas hydrophila
M Castellano, V Silva-Álvarez, M Aversa-Marnai, M Lamas-Bervejillo, ...
Scientific Reports 10 (1), 22162, 2020
Russian sturgeon cultured in a subtropical climate shows weaken innate defences and a chronic stress response
M Castellano, V Silva-Álvarez, E Fernández-López, V Mauris, D Conijeski, ...
Fish & Shellfish Immunology 68, 443-451, 2017
Paternal methotrexate exposure affects sperm small RNA content and causes craniofacial defects in the offspring
N Alata Jimenez, M Castellano, EM Santillan, K Boulias, A Boan, ...
Nature communications 14 (1), 1617, 2023
A different transcriptional landscape sheds light on Russian sturgeon (Acipenser gueldenstaedtii) mechanisms to cope with bacterial infection and chronic heat stress
A Costábile, M Castellano, M Aversa-Marnai, I Quartiani, D Conijeski, ...
Fish & Shellfish Immunology 128, 505-522, 2022
Different response of Acipenser gueldenstaedtii CRP/SAP and SAA to bacterial challenge and chronic thermal stress sheds light on the innate immune system of sturgeons
M Aversa-Marnai, M Castellano, I Quartiani, D Conijesky, A Perretta, ...
Fish & Shellfish Immunology 121, 404-417, 2022
Small RNA structural biochemistry in a post-sequencing era
JP Tosar, M Castellano, B Costa, A Cayota
Nature Protocols 19 (3), 595-602, 2024
RI-SEC-seq: comprehensive profiling of nonvesicular extracellular RNAs with different stabilities
JP Tosar, F Gámbaro, M Castellano, A Cayota
Bio-protocol 11 (4), e3918-e3918, 2021
Ribonuclease activity undermines immune sensing of naked extracellular RNA
M Castellano, V Blanco, ML Calzi, B Costa, K Witwer, M Hill, A Cayota, ...
bioRxiv, 2024
Aquaculture of russian sturgeon in uruguay: Decrease of the innate defenses in summer and its association with high temperatures
M Castellano, V Silva-Álvarez, E Fernández-López, V Mauris, D Conijeski, ...
Estudio de dos componentes de las defensas innatas del esturión cultivado en un establecimiento de piscicultura en Uruguay
M Castellano
Udelar. FC, 2015
Understanding the spleen response of Russian sturgeon (Acipenser gueldenstaedtii) dealing with chronic heat stress and Aeromonas hydrophila challenge
A Costábile, G Paredes, M Aversa-Marnai, C Lorenzo, DP Etcheverry, ...
Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part D: Genomics and Proteomics 52 …, 2024
Nicked tRNAs are stable reservoirs of tRNA halves in cells and biofluids
BA Costa Camacho, M Li Calzi Alcalde, M Castellano, V Blanco, ...
PNAS, 2023, 120 (4): e2216330120., 2023
Fragmentation of extracellular ribosomes and tRNAs shapes the extracellular RNAome
JP Tosar Rovira, M Segovia, M Castellano, F Gámbaro, Y Akiyama, ...
Nucleic Acids Research, 2020, 48 (22): 12874–12888, 2020
Serum amyloid A is a positive acute phase protein in Russian sturgeon challenged with Aeromonas hydrophila
C Mauricio, V Silva-Álvarez, AM Marcio, LB María, Q Ignacio, P Alejandro, ...
Scientific Reports (Nature Publisher Group) 10 (1), 2020
Identification of novel biomarkers asscociated with infection and chronic stress in Russian sturgeon
M Castellano, V Silva-Álvarez, M Aversa, A Costábile, I Quartiani, ...
Fish and Shellfish Immunology 91, 471-471, 2019
Identificación de la proteína amiloide A del suero como potencial marcador de infección en el esturión ruso y desarrollo de un inmunoensayo para su detección
M Castellano
Udelar. FC., 2019
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