María Alejandra Mendoza
María Alejandra Mendoza
infectious diseases fellow Mayo Clinic
在 mayo.edu 的电子邮件经过验证
COVID-19 in solid organ transplant recipients: a systematic review and meta-analysis of current literature
MA Raja, MA Mendoza, A Villavicencio, S Anjan, JM Reynolds, ...
Transplantation Reviews 35 (1), 100588, 2021
Pro-inflammation associated with a gain-of-function mutation (R284S) in the innate immune sensor STING
H Konno, IK Chinn, D Hong, JS Orange, JR Lupski, A Mendoza, ...
Cell reports 23 (4), 1112-1123, 2018
Traumatología oral en Odontopediatría
BC García, MA Mendoza
Diagnóstico y tratamiento integral. España, 11-29, 2003
Clinical presentation and outcomes of COVID‐19 following hematopoietic cell transplantation and cellular therapy
JF Camargo, MA Mendoza, R Lin, IV Moroz, AD Anderson, MI Morris, ...
Transplant Infectious Disease 23 (4), e13625, 2021
Increased incidences of noninfectious comorbidities among aging populations living with human immunodeficiency virus in Ecuador: a multicenter retrospective analysis
I Hernández, J Barzallo, S Beltrán, A Castillo, N Cevallos, P Hernández, ...
HIV/AIDS-Research and Palliative Care, 55-59, 2019
Is the outcome of SARS-CoV-2 infection in solid organ transplant recipients really similar to that of the general population?
MA Mendoza, M Raja, A Villavicencio, S Anjan, Y Natori
American Journal of Transplantation 21 (4), 1670, 2021
Successful Treatment of Invasive Fungal Infection Due to Highly Resistant Aspergillus calidoustus in an Allogeneic Hematopoietic Cell Transplant Recipient
MA Mendoza, A Anderson, MI Morris, L Lekakis, J Simkins, CE Prado, ...
Mycopathologia 185, 399-403, 2020
Antimicrobial resistance and recurrent bacterial urinary tract infections in hospitalized patients following kidney transplantation: A single‐center experience
S Greissman, A Mattiazzi, M Mendoza, Y Natori, M Grady, J Quinonez, ...
Transplant Infectious Disease 22 (4), e13337, 2020
Immunomodulators for severe coronavirus disease‐2019 in transplant patients: Do they increase the risk of secondary infection?
MA Mendoza, N Ranganath, S Chesdachai, ZA Yetmar, R Razonable, ...
Transplant Infectious Disease 25 (2), e14050, 2023
Odontopediatría. 2a
LE Barbería, JR Boj, PM Catalá, BC García, MA Mendoza
Editorial Masson, 78-80, 2001
Coronavirus disease 2019 management strategies in solid organ transplant recipients
MA Mendoza, RR Razonable
Infectious Disease Clinics 37 (3), 475-493, 2023
Things we do for No reason™: obtaining urine testing in older adults with delirium without signs or symptoms of urinary tract infection
M Memari, MA Mendoza, B Shukla, P O'Rourke
Journal of hospital medicine 16 (9), 557-559, 2021
Treatment Eligibility and Therapeutic Responses of an Ecuadorian Population at High Cardiovascular Risk Based on the ATP III Guidelines
I Hernández, A Estrella, J Salazar, Y Duarte, E Torres, C López, S Terán, ...
International Journal of Cardiovascular Sciences 33 (4), 371-376, 2020
Rhodococcus infection: a 10-year retrospective analysis of clinical experience and antimicrobial susceptibility profile
N Ranganath, MA Mendoza, R Stevens, D Kind, N Wengenack, A Shah
Journal of Clinical Microbiology 62 (3), e01537-23, 2024
Powassan virus encephalitis: a tertiary center experience
MA Mendoza, RM Hass, J Vaillant, DR Johnson, ES Theel, M Toledano, ...
Clinical Infectious Diseases 78 (1), 80-89, 2024
QuantiFERON-TB gold plus in liver transplant candidates: single-center experience
J Simkins, MA Mendoza, G Motoa, A Chandorkar, Y Natori, S Anjan, ...
Gastroenterol Hepatol Open Access 13 (3), 84-86, 2022
Nontuberculous mycobacterial infections in patients with hematologic malignancies and recipients of hematopoietic stem cell transplantation
S El Zein, MA Mendoza, JW Wilson
Transplant Infectious Disease 25, e14127, 2023
Difference between SARS‐CoV‐2, seasonal coronavirus, influenza, and respiratory syncytial virus infection in solid organ transplant recipients
MA Mendoza, G Motoa, MA Raja, P Frattaroli, A Fernandez, S Anjan, ...
Transplant Infectious Disease 25 (1), e13998, 2023
Clinical and microbiologic outcomes of central nervous system cryptococcosis: Re‐examining the need for a 2‐week cerebrospinal fluid analysis
ZA Yetmar, N Ranganath, MA Mendoza, RR Razonable
Mycoses 65 (7), 733-740, 2022
Effect of Rifabutin in Dolutegravir Dosing: A Case Series
MA Mendoza, MH Alshaer, G Roldan, JG Castro, D Ashkin, CA Peloquin, ...
Journal of the International Association of Providers of AIDS Care (JIAPAC …, 2022
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