Stefan Brück
Stefan Brück
Profesor de Bioquímica, Universidad Central del Ecuador
在 uce.edu.ec 的电子邮件经过验证
Differentiated NSC-34 motoneuron-like cells as experimental model for cholinergic neurodegeneration
O Maier, J Böhm, M Dahm, S Brück, C Beyer, S Johann
Neurochemistry international 62 (8), 1029-1038, 2013
National and subnational coverage and inequalities in reproductive, maternal, newborn, child, and sanitary health interventions in Ecuador: a comparative study between 1994 and …
P Rios Quituizaca, G Gatica-Domínguez, D Nambiar, JL Ferreira Santos, ...
International Journal for Equity in Health 20, 1-14, 2021
Prospection of psychrotrophic filamentous fungi isolated from the High Andean Paramo Region of Northern Ecuador: Enzymatic activity and molecular identification
SA Brück, AG Contato, P Gamboa-Trujillo, TB de Oliveira, M Cereia, ...
Microorganisms 10 (2), 282, 2022
The Ecuadorian Paramo in danger: What we know and what might be learned from northern wetlands.
SA Brück, BDM Torres, MLT de Moraes
Global Ecology and Conservation, e02639, 2023
Potential impacts of seasonal and altitudinal changes on enzymatic peat decomposition in the High Andean Paramo region of Ecuador
SA Brück, KT Amán, PB Buitrón, WP Paredes, PR Quituizaca, ...
Science of The Total Environment 890, 164365, 2023
La conversión de bosques nativos altera la diversidad de la biota edáfica y la calidad del suelo en paisajes montañosos tropicales del norte de Ecuador
P Guarderas, K Trávez, A Pérez, C Rosero, J Ureta, C Acosta, S Brueck, ...
Siembra 11 (3 (Especial)), e5542-e5542, 2024
Changes in microbiotic enzyme activity on soil organic matter decomposition, on an altitudinal gradient of the volcano Iliniza Ecuador, as a model for climate change impacts on …
SA Brück
Universidade de São Paulo, 2023
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