Somatic experiencing: using interoception and proprioception as core elements of trauma therapy P Payne, PA Levine, MA Crane-Godreau Frontiers in psychology 6, 93, 2015 | 554 | 2015 |
Movement-based embodied contemplative practices: definitions and paradigms L Schmalzl, MA Crane-Godreau, P Payne Frontiers in human neuroscience 8, 205, 2014 | 194 | 2014 |
Meditative movement for depression and anxiety P Payne, MA Crane-Godreau Frontiers in psychiatry 4, 71, 2013 | 170 | 2013 |
The preparatory set: a novel approach to understanding stress, trauma, and the bodymind therapies P Payne, MA Crane-Godreau Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9, 128767, 2015 | 92 | 2015 |
Martial arts: The spiritual dimension P Payne (No Title), 1981 | 81 | 1981 |
Vitamin D deficiency and air pollution exacerbate COVID-19 through suppression of antiviral peptide LL37 MA Crane-Godreau, KJ Clem, P Payne, S Fiering Frontiers in public health 8, 232, 2020 | 74 | 2020 |
Corrigendum: Somatic Experiencing: using interoception and proprioception as core elements of trauma therapy P Payne, PA Levine, MA Crane-Godreau Frontiers in psychology 6, 423, 2015 | 28 | 2015 |
Effectiveness of a novel qigong meditative movement practice for impaired health in flight attendants exposed to second-hand cigarette smoke P Payne, S Fiering, JC Leiter, DT Zava, MA Crane-Godreau Frontiers in human neuroscience 11, 67, 2017 | 14 | 2017 |
Accreditation standard guideline initiative for Tai Chi and Qigong instructors and training institutions B Oh, A Yeung, P Klein, L Larkey, C Ee, C Zaslawski, T Knobf, P Payne, ... Medicines 5 (2), 51, 2018 | 13 | 2018 |
Meditative movement as a treatment for pulmonary dysfunction in flight attendants exposed to second-hand cigarette smoke: study protocol for a randomized trial P Payne, D Zava, S Fiering, M Crane-Godreau Frontiers in Psychiatry 7, 38, 2016 | 4 | 2016 |
Digital delivery of meditative movement training improved health of cigarette-smoke-exposed subjects P Payne, S Fiering, D Zava, TJ Gould, A Brown, P Hage, C Gaudet, ... Frontiers in Public Health 6, 282, 2018 | 2 | 2018 |
A history of second hand smoke exposure: are we asking the right questions? MA Crane-Godreau, P Payne Frontiers in physiology 4, 25, 2013 | 2 | 2013 |
" Somatic Experiencing: Using interoception and proprioception as core elements of trauma therapy": Corrigendum. P Payne, PA Levine, MA Crane-Godreau Frontiers Media SA, 2015 | 1 | 2015 |
Addressing Anxiety, a Comorbidity of Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Case Report Using Qigong Sensory Training Methods MA Crane-Godreau, P Payne Autism Open Access 9, 241, 2019 | | 2019 |
Experiência Somática®-O uso de interocepção e propriocepção como elementos centrais na terapia do trauma P Payne, PA Levine, MA Crane-Godreau | | |