Stephanie Ishii
Stephanie Ishii
Hazen and Sawyer
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Behavior of reoccurring PARAFAC components in fluorescent dissolved organic matter in natural and engineered systems: a critical review
SKL Ishii, TH Boyer
Environmental science & technology 46 (4), 2006-2017, 2012
Life cycle comparison of centralized wastewater treatment and urine source separation with struvite precipitation: focus on urine nutrient management
SKL Ishii, TH Boyer
Water research 79, 88-103, 2015
Student support and perceptions of urine source separation in a university community
SKL Ishii, TH Boyer
Water research 100, 146-156, 2016
Evaluating the secondary effects of magnetic ion exchange: focus on corrosion potential in the distribution system
SKL Ishii, TH Boyer
Desalination 274 (1-3), 31-38, 2011
A flexible framework for assessing the sustainability of alternative water supply options
M Hadjikakou, BD Stanford, T Wiedmann, HV Rowley, Y Kobayashi, ...
Science of the total environment 671, 1257-1268, 2019
Public Perceptions of Direct Potable Reuse in Four US Cities
SKL Ishii, TH Boyer, DA Cornwell, SH Via
Journal‐American Water Works Association 107 (11), E559-E570, 2015
Expert stakeholder attitudes and support for alternative water sources in a groundwater depleted region
TH Boyer, C Overdevest, L Christiansen, SKL Ishii
Science of the total environment 437, 245-254, 2012
Case study and life cycle assessment of a coastal utility facing saltwater intrusion
D Saetta, SKL Ishii, WE Pine III, TH Boyer
Journal‐American Water Works Association 107 (10), E543-E558, 2015
Planning for Direct Potable Reuse: Operational Aspects of an Integrated Drinking Water System.
BD Stanford, WC Becker, JF Debroux, SKL Ishii, SJ Khan, WO Khunjar
Journal: American Water Works Association 108 (4), 2016
The First Step of Water Treatment: Source Water Protection
R Morgan, J Heymann, M Kearns, S Ishii
Journal‐American Water Works Association 111 (6), 84-87, 2019
Impact of urine source separation on wastewater treatment and sustainability initiatives at select US Universities: a triple bottom line evaluation
SKL Ishii, TH Boyer
Proceedings of the Water Environment Federation 2013 (4), 588-596, 2013
Impact of Ozonation and Electrocoagulation on Refractory Nutrients Generated from Thermal Hydrolysis Processes
G Pace, W Khunjar, P Yi, S Ishii, E Dole, M Santos, R Sharp, E Khan, ...
Proceedings of the Water Environment Federation 2018 (14), 2105-2107, 2018
Electricity does not tell all: Approaches for quantifying sustainability with case studies spanning water, wastewater, and biosolids treatment
S Ishii, R Borgmann, A Hanna, E Bailey, TJ Lynch
Proceedings of the Water Environment Federation 2018 (16), 1418-1423, 2018
Wastewater Treatment Selection and Operation to Benefit Downstream Resource Recovery: An Exploration of Three Case Studies
S Ishii, W Khunjar, P Yi, E Vadiveloo, B Boysen, C Owen, T Walker
Proceedings of the Water Environment Federation 2018 (5), 398-403, 2018
Quantification of Influent Non-Readily Biodegradable Dissolved Organic Nitrogen to Explore Nutrient Management via Pretreatment
M Sadler, R Taylor, S Ishii
Proceedings of the Water Environment Federation 2018 (5), 586-598, 2018
ACE15 Young Professionals Workshop: Newcomers Learning From Emerging Leaders
SKL Ishii
Journal‐American Water Works Association 108 (6), 32-35, 2016
Case studies of the economic, environmental, and social impacts of direct potable reuse
B Stanford, S Ishii, G Johns, M Hadjikakou, S Khan, T Wiedmann
WEFTEC 2016: Proceedings of the 89th Annual Water Environment Federation …, 2016
Case study and LCA of coastal utility experiencing saltwater intrusion
D Saetta, SKL Ishii, WEP III, TH Boyer
Investigating the technical and social challenges of urine source separation from a life cycle perspective
SKL Ishii
University of Florida, 2015
Life cycle comparison of urine source separation and conventional wastewater treatment: Focus on nutrient management
T Boyer, SKL Ishii
88th Annual Water Environment Federation Technical Exhibition and Conference …, 2015
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