Micro-econometrics for policy, program and treatment effects MJ Lee OUP Oxford, 2005 | 641 | 2005 |
Methods of moments and semiparametric econometrics for limited dependent variable models M Lee Springer Science & Business Media, 2013 | 257* | 2013 |
The WTO trade effect PL Chang, MJ Lee Journal of International Economics 85 (1), 53-71, 2011 | 188 | 2011 |
Panel data econometrics: methods-of-moments and limited dependent variables M Lee (No Title), 2002 | 156 | 2002 |
Mode regression M Lee Journal of Econometrics 42 (3), 337-349, 1989 | 150 | 1989 |
Matching, regression discontinuity, difference in differences, and beyond MJ Lee Oxford University Press, 2016 | 148 | 2016 |
Identification for difference in differences with cross-section and panel data M Lee, C Kang Economics letters 92 (2), 270-276, 2006 | 116 | 2006 |
Quadratic mode regression MJ Lee Journal of Econometrics 57 (1-3), 1-19, 1993 | 111 | 1993 |
Off‐farm work decisions of farm couples: Estimating structural simultaneous equations with ordered categorical dependent variables A Kimhi, M Lee American Journal of Agricultural Economics 78 (3), 687-698, 1996 | 71 | 1996 |
Effects of ability mixing in high school on adulthood earnings: quasiexperimental evidence from South Korea C Kang, C Park, MJ Lee Journal of Population Economics 20, 269-297, 2007 | 58 | 2007 |
Semi‐parametric estimation of simultaneous equations with limited dependent variables: a case study of female labour supply MJ Lee Journal of Applied Econometrics 10 (2), 187-200, 1995 | 58 | 1995 |
Non-parametric tests for distributional treatment effect for randomly censored responses M Lee Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series B: Statistical Methodology …, 2009 | 57 | 2009 |
Median regression for ordered discrete response MJ Lee Journal of Econometrics 51 (1-2), 59-77, 1992 | 56 | 1992 |
A root-N consistent semiparametric estimator for related-effect binary response panel data MJ Lee Econometrica 67 (2), 427-433, 1999 | 48 | 1999 |
Dynamic treatment effect analysis of TV effects on child cognitive development F Huang, MJ Lee Journal of Applied Econometrics 25 (3), 392-419, 2010 | 47 | 2010 |
Analysis of labour participation behaviour of Korean women with dynamic probit and conditional logit MJ Lee, YH Tae Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics 67 (1), 71-91, 2005 | 46 | 2005 |
Difference in differences in reverse K Kim, M Lee Empirical Economics 57, 705-725, 2019 | 43 | 2019 |
Proportional treatment effects for count response panel data: effects of binary exercise on health care demand MJ Lee, S Kobayashi Econometric Analysis of Health Data, 117-132, 2002 | 37 | 2002 |
The effects of education on fertility: Evidence from Taiwan K Kan, MJ Lee Economic Inquiry 56 (1), 343-357, 2018 | 36 | 2018 |
Generalized difference in differences with panel data and least squares estimator M Lee Sociological Methods & Research 45 (1), 134-157, 2016 | 35 | 2016 |