Chaosu Li
Chaosu Li
Assistant Professor, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou)
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Urban form and household electricity consumption: A multilevel study
C Li, Y Song, N Kaza
Energy and Buildings, 2017
Urban form and building energy use: A systematic review of measures, mechanisms, and methodologies
SJ Quan, C Li
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 139, 110662, 2021
Government response to climate change in China: a study of provincial and municipal plans
C Li, Y Song
Journal of Environmental Planning and Management 59 (9), 1679-1710, 2016
Factors affecting green building development at the municipal level: A cross-sectional study in China
Y Song, C Li, L Zhou, X Huang, Y Chen, H Zhang
Energy and Buildings, 110560, 2020
GIS for Urban Energy Analysis
C Li
Comprehensive Geographic Information Systems, 187-195, 2018
Are we planning for sustainable disaster recovery? Evaluating recovery plans after the Wenchuan earthquake
Y Song, C Li, R Olshansky, Y Zhang, Y Xiao
Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 1-25, 2017
Infrastructure Development and Urbanization in China
C Li, Y Song, Y Chen
China’s Urbanization and Socioeconomic Impact, 91-107, 2017
Impacts of land covers on stormwater runoff and urban development: A land use and parcel based regression approach
L Zhou, G Shen, C Li, T Chen, S Li, R Brown
Land Use Policy 103, 105280, 2021
Explaining spatial variations in residential energy usage intensity in Chicago: The role of urban form and geomorphometry
C Li, Y Song, N Kaza, R Burghardt
Journal of Planning Education and Research 43 (2), 317-331, 2023
李超骕, 马振邦 [1, 郑憩, 邵天然, 曾辉 [1
城市发展研究 18 (001), 31-35, 2011
Urban Form, Air Quality, and Cardiorespiratory Mortality: A Path Analysis
C Li, Y Song, L Tian, W Ouyang
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 17 (4), 1202, 2020
Built environment influences on urban climate resilience: Evidence from extreme heat events in Macau
Z Xi, C Li, L Zhou, H Yang, R Burghardt
Science of The Total Environment, 160270, 2022
Where do people tweet? The relationship of the built environment to tweeting in Chicago
Y Chen, Y Song, C Li
Sustainable Cities and Society, 101817, 2019
Spatial congruency or mismatch? Analyzing the COVID-19 potential infection risk and urban density as businesses reopen
L Zhou, S Li, C Li, G Shen, H Yang, P Zhu, H Han, B Li
Cities 123, 103615, 2022
Using Natural Language Processing to Read Plans: A Study of 78 Resilience Plans From the 100 Resilient Cities Network
X Fu, C Li, W Zhai
Journal of the American Planning Association 89 (1), 107-119, 2023
邵天然, 李超骕, 曾辉
生态学报 32 (15), 4852-4860, 2012
How resilient are localities planning for climate change? An evaluation of 50 plans in the United States
X Fu, C Li
Journal of Environmental Management 318, 115493, 2022
Can ChatGPT Evaluate Plans?
X Fu, R Wang, C Li
Journal of the American Planning Association, 1-12, 2023
Essays on Climate Change Mitigation, Building Energy Efficiency, and Urban Form
C Li
The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2018
Cost of an urban rail ride: A nation-level analysis of ridership, capital costs and cost-effectiveness performance of urban rail transit projects in China
J Zhao, C Li, R Zhang, M Palmer
Journal of Transport and Land Use 11 (1), 1173-1191, 2018
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