Research achievements and adoption of no-till, dryland cropping in the semi-arid US Great Plains NC Hansen, BL Allen, RL Baumhardt, DJ Lyon Field Crops Research 132, 196-203, 2012 | 250 | 2012 |
The fate and transport of phosphorus in agricultural systems NC Hansen, TC Daniel, AN Sharpley, JL Lemunyon Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 57 (6), 408-417, 2002 | 249 | 2002 |
Biochar and manure amendments impact soil nutrients and microbial enzymatic activities in a semi-arid irrigated maize cropping system EJ Foster, N Hansen, M Wallenstein, MF Cotrufo Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 233, 404-414, 2016 | 222 | 2016 |
Snowmelt runoff, sediment, and phosphorus losses under three different tillage systems NC Hansen, SC Gupta, JF Moncrief Soil and tillage research 57 (1-2), 93-100, 2000 | 137 | 2000 |
Improving evapotranspiration simulations in the CERES-Maize model under limited irrigation KC DeJonge, JC Ascough Ii, AA Andales, NC Hansen, LA Garcia, M Arabi Agricultural water management 115, 92-103, 2012 | 135 | 2012 |
Infrared thermometry to estimate crop water stress index and water use of irrigated maize in Northeastern Colorado S Taghvaeian, JL Chávez, NC Hansen Remote Sensing 4 (11), 3619-3637, 2012 | 129 | 2012 |
Iron nutrition in field crops NC Hansen, BG Hopkins, JW Ellsworth, VD Jolley Iron nutrition in plants and rhizospheric microorganisms, 23-59, 2006 | 129 | 2006 |
Iron deficiency of soybean in the upper Midwest and associated soil properties NC Hansen, MA Schmitt, JE Anderson, JS Strock Agronomy Journal 95 (6), 1595-1601, 2003 | 122 | 2003 |
Plant physiological responses for genotypic evaluation of iron efficiency in strategy I and strategy II plants—a review VD Jolley, KA Cook, NC Hansen, WB Stevens Journal of plant nutrition 19 (8-9), 1241-1255, 1996 | 104 | 1996 |
Iron deficiency of soybean in the North Central US and associated soil properties NC Hansen, VD Jolley, SL Naeve, RJ Goos Soil Science and Plant Nutrition 50 (7), 983-987, 2004 | 101 | 2004 |
Deficit irrigation of alfalfa for water‐savings in the Great Plains and Intermountain West: A review and analysis of the literature RB Lindenmayer, NC Hansen, J Brummer, JG Pritchett Agronomy Journal 103 (1), 45-50, 2011 | 99 | 2011 |
Phosphorus management in high‐yield systems BG Hopkins, NC Hansen Journal of environmental quality 48 (5), 1265-1280, 2019 | 90 | 2019 |
Persistence of zoonotic pathogens in surface soil treated with different rates of liquid pig manure PD Gessel, NC Hansen, SM Goyal, LJ Johnston, J Webb Applied soil ecology 25 (3), 237-243, 2004 | 89 | 2004 |
Sediment potentially controls in-lake phosphorus cycling and harmful cyanobacteria in shallow, eutrophic Utah Lake MC Randall, GT Carling, DB Dastrup, T Miller, ST Nelson, KA Rey, ... PLoS One 14 (2), e0212238, 2019 | 79 | 2019 |
Rate of fall‐applied liquid swine manure: Effects on runoff transport of sediment and phosphorus PD Gessel, NC Hansen, JF Moncrief, MA Schmitt Journal of environmental quality 33 (5), 1839-1844, 2004 | 65 | 2004 |
Leaf temperature of maize and Crop Water Stress Index with variable irrigation and nitrogen supply DA Carroll, NC Hansen, BG Hopkins, KC DeJonge Irrigation Science 35 (6), 549-560, 2017 | 56 | 2017 |
Modeling of full and limited irrigation scenarios for corn in a semiarid environment KC DeJonge, AA Andales, JC Ascough II, NC Hansen Transactions of the ASABE 54 (2), 481-492, 2011 | 54 | 2011 |
Nutritional and management related interactions with iron-deficiency stress response mechanisms VD Jolley, NC Hansen, AK Shiffler Soil science and plant nutrition 50 (7), 973-981, 2004 | 50 | 2004 |
Winter cereal root growth and aboveground–belowground biomass ratios as affected by site and tillage system in dryland Mediterranean conditions D Plaza-Bonilla, J Álvaro-Fuentes, NC Hansen, J Lampurlanés, ... Plant and Soil 374, 925-939, 2014 | 44 | 2014 |
Biological mulches for managing weeds in transplanted strawberry (Fragaria× ananassa) F Forcella, SR Poppe, NC Hansen, WA Head, E Hoover, F Propsom, ... Weed technology 17 (4), 782-787, 2003 | 43 | 2003 |