Oluyemi O Akanni
Oluyemi O Akanni
Federal Neuropsychiatric Hospital
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The psychological impact of COVID-19 on health-care workers in African Countries: A systematic review
AA Olashore, OO Akanni, AL Fela-Thomas, K Khutsafalo
Asian Journal of Social Health and Behavior 4 (3), 85-97, 2021
Physical violence against health staff by mentally ill patients at a psychiatric hospital in Botswana
AA Olashore, OO Akanni, RM Ogundipe
BMC health services research 18, 1-7, 2018
Correlates of psychoactive substance use among Nigerian adolescents
OO Akanni, EO Adayonfo
Sahel Medical Journal 18 (4), 192-199, 2015
Post-traumatic stress disorder among the staff of a mental health hospital: Prevalence and risk factors
AA Olashore, OO Akanni, K Molebatsi, JA Ogunjumo
South African journal of psychiatry 24, 2018
Parenting styles and family characteristics as correlates of psychological distress among Nigerian adolescents
HI Alika, DO Akanni, OO Akanni
International Journal of Psychology and Counselling 8 (9), 102-108, 2016
Associate factors of delinquency among incarcerated male juveniles in a Borstal Institution in Nigeria
AA Olashore, OO Akanni, OO Olashore
International Journal of Forensic Mental Health 16 (3), 207-214, 2017
Neuroticism, resilience, and social support: correlates of severe anxiety among hospital workers during the COVID-19 pandemic in Nigeria and Botswana
AA Olashore, OO Akanni, KO Oderinde
BMC Health Services Research 21, 1-7, 2021
Psychiatric Disorders in Adolescents Living with HIV and Association with Antiretroviral Therapy Adherence in Sub-Saharan Africa: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis.
AA Olashore, S Paruk, OO Akanni, A Tomita, B Chiliza
AIDS and Behaviour, 2020
Predictors of bullying reported by perpetrators in a sample of senior school students in Benin City, Nigeria
OO Akanni, AA Olashore, SO Osasona, E Uwadiae
South African Journal of Psychiatry 26 (1), 2020
Prevalence, factors, and outcome of physical violence against mental health professionals at a Nigerian psychiatric hospital
OO Akanni, AF Osundina, SO Olotu, IO Agbonile, AN Otakpor, ...
East Asian Archives of Psychiatry 29 (1), 15-19, 2019
Relationship between spirituality and anxiety during the COVID-19 pandemic: a survey of the staff of two Nigerian tertiary hospitals
OO Akanni, AA Olashore, KO Oderinde
Mental Health, Religion & Culture 24 (7), 647-658, 2021
Psychological distress and resilience: A study of prevalence and association among school-attending adolescents in Benin-City
OO Akanni, AN Otakpor
Sri Lanka Journal of Psychiatry 7 (1), 2016
Burden and coping styles among caregivers of patients with major mental disorders and hypertension attending a Nigerian tertiary hospital
AF Osundina, FO Fatoye, OO Akanni, JO Omoreagba, A Akinsulore, ...
Indian Journal of Social Psychiatry 33 (3), 189-195, 2017
Psychological distress, drug use and internet use: the association with poor sleep quality in a sample of secondary school students
AA Olashore, OO Akanni, OO Ayilara
Substance Abuse: Research and Treatment 14, 1-7, 2020
Body image objectification and disordered eating attitudes among secondary school students of south-west Nigeria
ON Koleoso, OO Akanni, JO James
International Journal of School Health 5 (2), 1-5, 2018
Gender and other risk factors associated with risky behaviours among Nigerian adolescents
OO Akanni, ON Koleoso, AA Olashore, EO Adayonfo, AF Osundina, ...
Journal of Adolescence 57, 13-17, 2017
Psychological distress among Nigerian undergraduate students
EO Adayonfo, OO Akanni
Ife Psychologia 23 (2), 97-104, 2015
Knowledge of the corona virus disease 2019 (COVID-19) and sleep problems among a selected sample of the staff of a Nigerian Neuropsychiatric hospital
KO Oderinde, OO Akanni, AA Olashore
Pan African Medical Journal 40 (39), 1-10, 2021
Problematic internet use and its association with anxiety, substance use and academic performance among secondary school students.
OO Akanni, EO Adayonfo
International Journal of School Health 7 (3), 16-23, 2020
Constraints, ethical dilemmas and precautions in psychiatric practice within non-contemporaneous mental health laws: a Nigerian experience with involuntary commitment
N Igbinomwanhia, O Akanni
JL Pol'y & Globalization 87, 21, 2019
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