Hui LIU (刘辉)
Hui LIU (刘辉)
Wuhan University, University of Western Ontario, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
在 whu.edu.cn 的电子邮件经过验证 - 首页
Fabrication of infrared left‐handed metamaterials via double template‐assisted electrochemical deposition
H Liu, X Zhao, Y Yang, Q Li, J Lv
Advanced Materials 20 (11), 2050-2054, 2008
DiseaseMeth: a human disease methylation database
J Lv, H Liu, J Su, X Wu, H Liu, B Li, X Xiao, F Wang, Q Wu, Y Zhang
Nucleic acids research 40 (D1), D1030-D1035, 2012
Potential diagnostic power of blood circular RNA expression in active pulmonary tuberculosis
Z Qian, H Liu, M Li, J Shi, N Li, Y Zhang, X Zhang, J Lv, X Xie, Y Bai, Q Ge, ...
EBioMedicine 27, 18-26, 2018
CpG_MPs: identification of CpG methylation patterns of genomic regions from high-throughput bisulfite sequencing data
J Su, H Yan, Y Wei, H Liu, H Liu, F Wang, J Lv, Q Wu, Y Zhang
Nucleic acids research 41 (1), e4-e4, 2013
Identification and characterization of long non-coding RNAs related to mouse embryonic brain development from available transcriptomic data
J Lv, W Cui, H Liu, H He, Y Xiu, J Guo, H Liu, Q Liu, T Zeng, Y Chen, ...
PloS one 8 (8), e71152, 2013
M-VCUT level set method for optimizing cellular structures
H Liu, H Zong, T Shi, Q Xia
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 367, 113154, 2020
Fully parallel level set method for large-scale structural topology optimization
H Liu, Y Tian, H Zong, Q Ma, MY Wang, L Zhang
Computers & Structures 221, 13-27, 2019
A novel subdomain level set method for structural topology optimization and its application in graded cellular structure design
H Liu, H Zong, Y Tian, Q Ma, MY Wang
Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization 60, 2221-2247, 2019
Prevalence of liver steatosis and fibrosis in the general population and various high-risk populations: a nationwide study with 5.7 million adults in China
S Man, Y Deng, Y Ma, J Fu, H Bao, C Yu, J Lv, H Liu, B Wang, L Li
Gastroenterology 165 (4), 1025-1040, 2023
Efficient structure topology optimization by using the multiscale finite element method
H Liu, Y Wang, H Zong, MY Wang
Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization 58, 1411-1430, 2018
Peripheral blood non-canonical small non-coding RNAs as novel biomarkers in lung cancer
W Gu, J Shi, H Liu, X Zhang, JJ Zhou, M Li, D Zhou, R Li, J Lv, G Wen, ...
Molecular cancer 19, 1-6, 2020
MetaImprint: an information repository of mammalian imprinted genes
Y Wei, J Su, H Liu, J Lv, F Wang, H Yan, Y Wen, H Liu, Q Wu, Y Zhang
Development 141 (12), 2516-2523, 2014
Prioritizing cancer-related genes with aberrant methylation based on a weighted protein-protein interaction network
H Liu, J Su, J Li, H Liu, J Lv, B Li, H Qiao, Y Zhang
BMC systems biology 5, 1-15, 2011
A uniform multiscale method for 2D static and dynamic analyses of heterogeneous materials
HW Zhang, H Liu, JK Wu
International journal for numerical methods in engineering 93 (7), 714-746, 2013
Identification and characterization of long intergenic non-coding RNAs related to mouse liver development
J Lv, Z Huang, H Liu, H Liu, W Cui, B Li, H He, J Guo, Q Liu, Y Zhang, ...
Molecular genetics and genomics 289, 1225-1235, 2014
Identification of 4438 novel lincRNAs involved in mouse pre-implantation embryonic development
J Lv, H Liu, S Yu, H Liu, W Cui, Y Gao, T Zheng, G Qin, J Guo, T Zeng, ...
Molecular Genetics and Genomics 290, 685-697, 2015
Optimizing cellular structures through the M-VCUT level set method with microstructure mapping and high order cutting
Q Xia, H Zong, T Shi, H Liu
Composite Structures 261, 113298, 2021
Quantitative epigenetic co-variation in CpG islands and co-regulation of developmental genes
H Liu, Y Chen, J Lv, H Liu, R Zhu, J Su, X Liu, Y Zhang, Q Wu
Scientific Reports 3 (1), 2576, 2013
An efficient multiscale computational formulation for geometric nonlinear analysis of heterogeneous piezoelectric composite
P Fu, H Liu, X Chu
Composite Structures 167, 191-206, 2017
A uniform multiscale method for 3D static and dynamic analyses of heterogeneous materials
H Liu, HW Zhang
Computational materials science 79, 159-173, 2013
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