David Rhys Blackman
David Rhys Blackman
Extreme Light Infrastructure ERIC
在 eli-beams.eu 的电子邮件经过验证
Efficient ion acceleration and dense electron–positron plasma creation in ultra-high intensity laser-solid interactions
D Del Sorbo, DR Blackman, R Capdessus, K Small, C Slade-Lowther, ...
New Journal of Physics 20 (3), 033014, 2018
Generation of ultrarelativistic monoenergetic electron bunches via a synergistic interaction of longitudinal electric and magnetic fields of a twisted laser
Y Shi, D Blackman, D Stutman, A Arefiev
Physical Review Letters 126 (23), 234801, 2021
Kinetic plasma waves carrying orbital angular momentum
DR Blackman, R Nuter, P Korneev, VT Tikhonchuk
Physical Review E 100 (1), 013204, 2019
Ultrafast dynamics of a near-solid-density layer in an intense femtosecond laser-excited plasma
A Adak, DR Blackman, G Chatterjee, P Kumar Singh, AD Lad, P Brijesh, ...
Physics of Plasmas 21 (6), 2014
Effects of simulation dimensionality on laser-driven electron acceleration and photon emission in hollow microchannel targets
T Wang, D Blackman, K Chin, A Arefiev
Physical Review E 104 (4), 045206, 2021
Nonlinear Landau damping of plasma waves with orbital angular momentum
DR Blackman, R Nuter, P Korneev, VT Tikhonchuk
Physical Review E 102 (3), 033208, 2020
Controlling femtosecond-laser-driven shock-waves in hot, dense plasma
A Adak, PK Singh, DR Blackman, AD Lad, G Chatterjee, J Pasley, ...
Physics of Plasmas 24 (7), 2017
Micron-scale mapping of megagauss magnetic fields using optical polarimetry to probe hot electron transport in petawatt-class laser-solid interactions
G Chatterjee, PK Singh, APL Robinson, D Blackman, N Booth, O Culfa, ...
Scientific Reports 7 (1), 8347, 2017
Electron acceleration using twisted laser wavefronts
Y Shi, DR Blackman, A Arefiev
Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 63 (12), 125032, 2021
Probing ultrafast dynamics of solid-density plasma generated by high-contrast intense laser pulses
K Jana, DR Blackman, M Shaikh, AD Lad, D Sarkar, I Dey, APL Robinson, ...
Physics of Plasmas 25 (1), 2018
Twisted kinetic plasma waves
DR Blackman, R Nuter, P Korneev, VT Tikhonchuk
Journal of Russian Laser Research 40, 419-428, 2019
Kinetic phenomena of helical plasma waves with orbital angular momentum
DR Blackman, R Nuter, P Korneev, A Arefiev, VT Tikhonchuk
Physics of Plasmas 29 (7), 2022
Electron acceleration from transparent targets irradiated by ultra-intense helical laser beams
DR Blackman, Y Shi, SR Klein, M Cernaianu, D Doria, P Ghenuche, ...
Communications Physics 5 (1), 116, 2022
Electron pulse train accelerated by a linearly polarized Laguerre–Gaussian laser beam
Y Shi, DR Blackman, P Zhu, A Arefiev
High Power Laser Science and Engineering 10, e45, 2022
Intense laser interaction with micro-bars
M Elkind, I Cohen, D Blackman, T Meir, L Perelmutter, T Catabi, ...
Scientific Reports 13 (1), 21345, 2023
Role of low temperature resistivity on fast electron transport in disordered aluminium and copper
DR Blackman, APL Robinson, J Pasley
Physics of Plasmas 22 (8), 2015
Formation and evolution of post-solitons following a high intensity laser-plasma interaction with a low-density foam target
DR Blackman, A Adak, PK Singh, AD Lad, G Chatterjee, CP Ridgers, ...
Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 63 (7), 074001, 2021
Twisted plasma waves driven by twisted ponderomotive force
Y Shi, DR Blackman, RJ Kingham, AV Arefiev
arXiv preprint arXiv:2211.01630, 2022
Near field spatial mode modification of ultraintense pulse through relativistically transparent solid density targets using light with and without orbital angular momentum
N Czapla, A Zingale, G Tiscareno, D Nasir, D Schumacher, M Cernaianu, ...
APS Division of Plasma Physics Meeting Abstracts 2021, JO05. 003, 2021
Modelling the hydrodynamics induced by the interaction of high-power short-pulse lasers with dense targets
J Pasley, D Blackman, A Robinson
AIP Conference Proceedings 1824 (1), 2017
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