Priscila Ayub
Priscila Ayub
在 institutoeduardoayub.com.br 的电子邮件经过验证
Evaluation of factors related to the success of miniscrew-assisted rapid palatal expansion
CB Oliveira, P Ayub, F Angelieri, WH Murata, SS Suzuki, DB Ravelli, ...
The Angle Orthodontist 91 (2), 187-194, 2021
Microimplant assisted rapid palatal expansion vs surgically assisted rapid palatal expansion for maxillary transverse discrepancy treatment
CB de Oliveira, P Ayub, IM Ledra, WH Murata, SS Suzuki, DB Ravelli, ...
American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics 159 (6), 733-742, 2021
Analysis of the maxillary dental arch after rapid maxillary expansion in patients with unilateral complete cleft lip and palate
PV Ayub, G Janson, BF Gribel, TS Lara, DG Garib
American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics 149 (5), 705-715, 2016
Esthetic evaluation of the facial profile in rehabilitated adults with complete bilateral cleft lip and palate
FMF Júnior, PV Ayub, L Capelozza Filho, JRP Lauris, DG Garib
Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 73 (1), 169. e1-169. e6, 2015
Comparison between clear aligners and 2× 4 mechanics in the mixed dentition: a randomized clinical trial
VM da Silva, PV Ayub, C Massaro, G Janson, D Garib
The Angle Orthodontist 93 (1), 3-10, 2023
Photographic assessment of nasal morphology following rapid maxillary expansion in children
OG Silva Filho, TS Lara, PV Ayub, ASC Ohashi, FA Bertoz
Journal of Applied Oral Science 19, 535-543, 2011
Intercenter comparison of slow and rapid maxillary expansion in unilateral complete cleft lip and palate
PV Ayub, DG Garib, H Ebrahim, J Polido, W Blasca, S Yen
Dental Press Journal of Orthodontics 27 (03), e2220233, 2022
Treatment of obstructive sleep apnea syndrome through orthodontics and orthognathic surgery: a case report with a five year follow-up
OS Ayub, B Ayub, PV Ayub, DB Ravelli, PD Ribeiro, M da Silva Coutinho
Otolaryngol 6, 10.4172, 2016
Protocolo Compass-TA: novo método para avaliação tridimensional do torque e angulação dentária utilizando modelos digitais.
BF Gribel, PV Ayub
Revista Clínica de Ortodontia Dental Press 13 (5), 2014
As diferentes formas de ancoragem para o aparelho Herbst
JP Schwartz, TB Ravelli, PV Ayub, SM Galo, DB Ravelli
Prosthes Lab Sci 7 (25), 44-9, 2017
Prevalência de dentes supranumerários na região de pré-molares e sua associação com a presença de terceiros molares
TS Lara, SBHB Silva, RTRM Bastos, TO Ozawa, PV Ayub
Ortodontia, 262-266, 2013
C Riolo, J Vaden, DJ Rinchuse, P Irwin
American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics, 2021
Distalização da arcada dentária superior ancorada em mini implantes na crista infrazigomática: estudo clínico e análise de elementos finitos
PV Ayub
Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), 2019
Modelos dentários digitais obtidos diretamente de moldes: avaliação da acurácia
VAM Silva, DG Garib, PV Ayub, TC Silva, A Pinzan, R Lauris
Anais, 2015
Modelos digitais tridimensionais: comparação da acurácia em imagens obtidas da moldagem e dos modelos
VAM Silva, DG Garib, PV Ayub, TC Silva
Resumos, 2014
44-SPPG-Mordida aberta anterior: prognóstico de tratamento
PV Ayub, MS Yatabe, OG Silva Filho, TS Lara, FA Bertoz
Revista de Odontologia da UNESP 37 (Especial), 0-0, 2013
43-SPPG-Mordida aberta anterior de aparecimento tardio: relato clínico
PV Ayub, MS Yatabe, OG Silva Filho, TS Lara, FA Bertoz
Revista de Odontologia da UNESP 37 (Especial), 0-0, 2013
34-SPG-Fechamento de diastemas após tratamento ortodôntico: relato de caso clínico
K Ayub, MS Yatabe, JS Silva, FAP Serra, BMS Soares, PV Ayub
Revista de Odontologia da UNESP 37 (Especial), 0-0, 2013
Intercerter comparison of different maxillary expansion modalities in patients with complete cleft lip and palate
PVA Ayub, DG Garib, S Yen, JS Polido, H Ebrahim
Anais, 2013
Transversal effect of expanded-fixed lip bumper: digital model study
PV Ayub, TS Lara, FA Bertoz, DG Garib, OS Ayub
Journal of Dental Research 91, S Issue B, 2012
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