pranay yadav
pranay yadav
SoIT, RGPV, Bhopal
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Fuzzy logic hybrid model with semantic filtering approach for pseudo relevance feedback-based query expansion
J Singh, M Prasad, YA Daraghmi, P Tiwari, P Yadav, N Bharill, M Pratama, ...
2017 IEEE symposium series on computational intelligence (SSCI), 1-7, 2017
ANN based short-term traffic flow forecasting in undivided two lane highway
B Sharma, S Kumar, P Tiwari, P Yadav, MI Nezhurina
Journal of Big Data 5 (1), 48, 2018
Design of circularly polarized triple-band wearable textile antenna with safe low SAR for human health
A Yadav, VK Singh, P Yadav, AK Beliya, AK Bhoi, P Barsocchi
Electronics 9 (9), 1366, 2020
Color image noise removal by modified adaptive threshold median filter for RVIN
P Yadav
2015 International Conference on Electronic Design, Computer Networks …, 2015
Social network analytics: computational research methods and techniques
N Dey, S Borah, R Babo, AS Ashour
Academic Press, 2018
Sentiment analysis for airlines services based on Twitter dataset
P Tiwari, P Yadav, S Kumar, BK Mishra, GN Nguyen, SP Gochhayat, ...
Social Network Analytics: Computational Research Methods and Techniques 149 …, 2018
A Modified Hybrid Structure for Next Generation Super High Speed Communication Using TDLTE and Wi-Max
P Yadav, S Sharma, P Tiwari, N Dey, AS Ashour, GN Nguyen
Internet of Things and Big Data Analytics Toward Next-Generation …, 2017
Evolution of wireless communications with 3G, 4G, 5G, and next generation technologies in India
P Yadav, A Upadhyay, VBS Prasath, Z Ali, BB Khare
International Conference on Emerging Trends and Advances in Electrical …, 2020
Removal of fixed value impulse noise using improved mean filter for image enhancement
V Gupta, DK Gandhi, P Yadav
2013 Nirma University International Conference on Engineering (NUiCONE), 1-5, 2013
Removal of fixed valued impulse noise by improved Trimmed Mean Median filter
S Sharma, P Yadav
2014 IEEE International Conference on Computational Intelligence and …, 2014
Color impulse noise removal by modified alpha trimmed median mean filter for FVIN
P Yadav, P Singh
2014 IEEE International Conference on Computational Intelligence and …, 2014
Diabetes type2 patient detection using lasso based cffnn machine learning approach
S Tiwari, N Gupta, P Yadav
2021 8th International conference on signal processing and integrated …, 2021
A literature survey on different MIMO patch antenna
M Sangwan, G Panda, P Yadav
2020 International Conference on Inventive Computation Technologies (ICICT …, 2020
Internet of things based air pollution penetrating system using GSM and GPRS
S Maurya, S Sharma, P Yadav
2018 International Conference on Advanced Computation and Telecommunication …, 2018
A comparative analysis of video shot boundary detection using different approaches
S Chavate, R Mishra, P Yadav
2021 10Th international conference on system modeling & advancement in …, 2021
A Design and Analysis of P Cut MIMO Patch Antenna for Reduce of Mutual Coupling in Wireless Range
M Sangwan, G Panda, P Yadav
2020 International Conference on Inventive Computation Technologies (ICICT …, 2020
A Modified Wideband Bow-Tie Antenna with DGS for Wireless Fidelity Range
E Choudhary, S Sharma, P Yadav
2018 International Conference on Advanced Computation and Telecommunication …, 2018
A modified cascaded feed froward neural network distributed denial of service attack detection using improved regression based machine leaning approach
A Mishra, R Shrivastava, P Yadav
2022 6th International Conference on Trends in Electronics and Informatics …, 2022
Multi-Band Rectangular Zig-Zag-Shaped Microstrip Patch Antenna for Wireless Applications
P Yadav, BB Khare, S Gupta, YK Kshirsagar, S Jain
Design and Optimization of Sensors and Antennas for Wearable Devices …, 2020
A Robust Approach for Image Super-Resolution using Modified Very Deep Convolution Networks
A Kumar, SK Shukla, A Sharma, P Yadav
2022 International Conference on Applied Artificial Intelligence and …, 2022
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