professeur de géologie, Université Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah
在 usmba.ac.ma 的电子邮件经过验证
Application of Aster and Sentinel-2A Images for geological mapping in arid regions: The Safsafate Area in the Neogen Guercif basin, Northern Morocco
I El Kati, C Nakhcha, O El Bakhchouch, H Tabyaoui
International Journal of Advanced Remote Sensing and GIS 7 (1), 2782-2792, 2018
Geology, biostratigraphy and carbon isotope chemostratigraphy of the Palaeogene fossil-bearing Dakhla sections, southwestern Moroccan Sahara
M Benammi, S Adnet, L Marivaux, J Yans, C Noiret, R Tabuce, J Surault, ...
Geological Magazine 156 (1), 117-132, 2019
The Tachrift channel-levée turbidite complexes (Tortonian) of the Taza-Guercif basin (South Rifian Corridor, NE Morocco)
F Felletti, M Marini, I El Kati, H Tabyaoui
Journal of Maps 16 (2), 902-917, 2020
Magnetostratigraphy of Neogene series of the Guercif basin (Morocco)
I El Kati, M Benammi, H Tabyaoui, M Benammi
Revista de la Sociedad Geológica de España 30 (2), 37-50, 2017
Assessment of Ras El Ma Karst Spring features by structural and functional approaches at the Region of Taza, Morocco
J Naoura, I El Kati, L Benaabidate
Journal of Ecological Engineering 22 (9), 2021
Corrélation de coupes lithostratigraphiques le long des falaises côtières dans la région d'El Argoub (Dakhla, Maroc)
M Benammi, I El Kati, S Adnet, L Marivaux, R Tabuce, J Surault, L Baidder, ...
NAVEP-2, North African Vertebrate Palaeontology second International …, 2014
Stratigraphic evolution of a spectacularly exposed turbidite channel belt from the Tachrift System (late Tortonian, north‐East Morocco)
S Reguzzi, M Marini, F Felletti, I El Kati, C Zuffetti, H Tabyaoui
Sedimentology 70 (4), 1075-1109, 2023
Structural style and deformation mechanism of Neogene series of the Guercif basin (NE-Morocco)
I El Kati, M Benammi, H Tabyaoui, M Ouabid, M Benammi
Journal of Iberian Geology 48 (3), 281-296, 2022
The Tachrift Project: sedimentary architecture of turbidite channel-levée deposits (Tachrift Turbidite System, Taza-Guercif Basin, Tortonian, NE Morocco)
F Felletti, G Pantopoulos, C Zuffetti, S Reguzzi, D Invernizzi, N Bellin, ...
Rendiconti Online della Società Geologica Italiana 59, 80-88, 2023
Neogene basins in Eastern Rif of Morocco and their potential to host native sulphur
L Boubkari, M Achalhi, O Raji, M Ouabid, JL Bodinier, I El Kati, ...
All Earth 34 (1), 90-106, 2022
Preliminary paleomagnetic data in the Dakhla, Southwestern Moroccan Sahara
M Benammi, S Adnet, L Marivaux, R Tabuce, I El Kati, J Surault, L Baidder, ...
NAVEP-2, North African Vertebrate Palaeontology second International …, 2014
Sedimentary architecture of turbidite channel-levee deposits: the Tachrift Project (Tachrift System, Taza-Guercif Basin, Late Tortonian, NE Morocco)
F Felletti, M Marini, A Mcarthur, G Pantopoulos, D Invernizzi, C Zuffetti, ...
36th International Meeting of Sedimentology: Abstract book, 254-254, 2023
Sedimentary architecture, depositional evolution, and control factors of turbidite channel complex 4 from theTachrift turbidite system (Tortonian, Taza-Guercif basin, NE Morocco)
S Reguzzi, M Marini, F Felletti, C Zuffetti, I El Kati, H Tabyaoui
1st In-Person Bouma Deep Water Geoscience Conference: Conference Booklet, 65-65, 2023
The Tachrift project: sedimentary architecture of Turbidite channel-levée deposits (Tachrift system, Taza-Guercif basin, Tortonian, Ne Morocco)
F Felletti, M Marini, G Pantopoulos, D Invernizzi, C Zuffetti, S Reguzzi, ...
1st In-Person Bouma Deep Water Geoscience Conference: Conference Booklet, 10-10, 2023
Architecture, evolution, and controls of channel-levee: Complex 4 from the Tachrift System (Taza-Guercif Basin, NE Morocco)
S Reguzzi, M Marini, F Felletti, C Zuffetti, I El Kati, H Tabyaoui
International Meeting of Sedimentology (IAS): Abstract book, 266-266, 2023
The Tachrift Project: combining field mapping and detailed stratigraphic measurements to reconstruct the sedimentary architecture of channel-levée systems (late Tortonian …
D Invernizzi, F Felletti, M Marini, I El Kati, G Pantopoulos, S Reguzzi, ...
Geosciences for a sustainable future, 894-894, 2022
The Tachrift channel-levée turbidite systems (Tortonian) of the Taza-Guercif Basin (South Rifian Corridor, NE Morocco)
F Felletti, M Marini, I El Kati, H Tabyaoui, S Reguzzi, C Zuffetti
Abstract book, 154-154, 2021
Sedimentary architecture of a turbidite channel-levée complex from the Taza-Guercif Basin (upper Miocene, NE Morocco)
S Reguzzi, M Marini, F Felletti, I El Kati, C Zuffetti, N Bellin, H Tabyaoui
Abstract book, 375-375, 2021
Spatial Database Modeling for Speleological Inventory of the Moroccan Atlas Mountains
F El Hammichi, O El Bakhchouch, I El Kati, NE Azzouzi, H Tabyaoui
The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial …, 2019
Evolution géodynamique du bassin néogène de Guercif (Maroc): Télédétection, Tectonique et Magnétostratigraphie
I El Kati
Université Ibn Tofail, Faculté des Sciences-Kénitra, 2017
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