Robert H. Stupnisky
Robert H. Stupnisky
Professor, Education Health & Behavioral Studies, University of North Dakota
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Boredom in achievement settings: exploring control–value antecedents and performance outcomes of a neglected emotion.
R Pekrun, T Goetz, LM Daniels, RH Stupnisky, RP Perry
Journal of educational psychology 102 (3), 531, 2010
A longitudinal analysis of achievement goals: From affective antecedents to emotional effects and achievement outcomes.
LM Daniels, RH Stupnisky, R Pekrun, TL Haynes, RP Perry, NE Newall
Journal of Educational Psychology 101 (4), 948, 2009
Individual differences in achievement goals: A longitudinal study of cognitive, emotional, and achievement outcomes
LM Daniels, TL Haynes, RH Stupnisky, RP Perry, NE Newall, R Pekrun
Contemporary Educational Psychology 33 (4), 584-608, 2008
Measuring students' emotions in the early years: The Achievement Emotions Questionnaire-Elementary School (AEQ-E)
S Lichtenfeld, R Pekrun, RH Stupnisky, K Reiss, K Murayama
Learning and Individual Differences, 2011
Testing the predictors of boredom at school: Development and validation of the precursors to boredom scales
EC Daschmann, T Goetz, RH Stupnisky
British Journal of Educational Psychology 81 (3), 421-440, 2011
The Interrelation of first-year college students’ critical thinking disposition, perceived academic control, and academic achievement
RH Stupnisky, RD Renaud, LM Daniels, TL Haynes, RP Perry
Research in Higher Education 49 (6), 513-530, 2008
Perceived academic control and academic emotions predict undergraduate university student success: Examining effects on dropout intention and achievement
L Respondek, T Seufert, R Stupnisky, UE Nett
Frontiers in psychology 8, 236431, 2017
Faculty members’ motivation for teaching and best practices: Testing a model based on self-determination theory across institution types
RH Stupnisky, A BrckaLorenz, B Yuhas, F Guay
Contemporary Educational Psychology 53, 15-26, 2018
A review of attributional retraining treatments: Fostering engagement and persistence in vulnerable college students
TL Haynes, RP Perry, RH Stupnisky, LM Daniels
Higher education: Handbook of theory and research, 227-272, 2009
Perceived Academic Control: mediating the effects of optimism and social support on college students’ psychological health
JC Ruthig, TL Haynes, RH Stupnisky, RP Perry
Social Psychology of Education 12 (2), 233-249, 2009
Bad starts and better finishes: Attributional retraining and initial performance in competitive achievement settings
RP Perry, RH Stupnisky, NC Hall, JG Chipperfield, B Weiner
Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology 29 (6), 668-700, 2010
Reducing the academic risks of over-optimism: The longitudinal effects of attributional retraining on cognition and achievement
TL Haynes, JC Ruthig, RP Perry, RH Stupnisky, NC Hall
Research in higher education 47, 755-779, 2006
Not that different in theory: Discussing the control-value theory of emotions in online learning environments
LM Daniels, RH Stupnisky
The Internet and Higher Education 15 (3), 222-226, 2012
Motivation of higher education faculty: Theoretical approaches, empirical evidence, and future directions
M Daumiller, R Stupnisky, S Janke
International Journal of Educational Research 99, 101502, 2020
Attributional retraining and elaborative learning: Improving academic development through writing-based interventions
NC Hall, RP Perry, T Goetz, JC Ruthig, RH Stupnisky, NE Newall
Learning and Individual Differences 17 (3), 280-290, 2007
Comparing self-esteem and perceived control as predictors of first-year college students’ academic achievement
RH Stupnisky, RD Renaud, RP Perry, JC Ruthig, TL Haynes, RA Clifton
Social Psychology of Education 10, 303-330, 2007
Relieving career anxiety and indecision: the role of undergraduate students’ perceived control and faculty affiliations
LM Daniels, TL Stewart, RH Stupnisky, RP Perry, T LoVerso
Social Psychology of Education 14 (3), 409-426, 2011
Exploring the antecedents of boredom: Do teachers know why students are bored?
EC Daschmann, T Goetz, RH Stupnisky
Teaching and Teacher Education 39, 22-30, 2014
Improving student relatedness through an online discussion intervention: The application of self-determination theory in synchronous hybrid programs
NT Butz, RH Stupnisky
Computers & Education 114, 117-138, 2017
Exploring and testing the predictors of new faculty success: A mixed methods study
RH Stupnisky, MB Weaver-Hightower, Y Kartoshkina
Studies in Higher Education 40 (2), 368-390, 2015
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