Support vector machines N Cristianini, E Ricci Encyclopedia of algorithms, 928-932, 2008 | 2664 | 2008 |
Retinal blood vessel segmentation using line operators and support vector classification E Ricci, R Perfetti IEEE transactions on medical imaging 26 (10), 1357-1365, 2007 | 1064 | 2007 |
First order motion model for image animation A Siarohin, S Lathuilière, S Tulyakov, E Ricci, N Sebe Advances in neural information processing systems 32, 2019 | 872 | 2019 |
Learning deep representations of appearance and motion for anomalous event detection D Xu, E Ricci, Y Yan, J Song, N Sebe arXiv preprint arXiv:1510.01553, 2015 | 637 | 2015 |
Deep learning for classification and localization of COVID-19 markers in point-of-care lung ultrasound S Roy, W Menapace, S Oei, B Luijten, E Fini, C Saltori, I Huijben, ... IEEE transactions on medical imaging 39 (8), 2676-2687, 2020 | 560 | 2020 |
Multi-scale continuous crfs as sequential deep networks for monocular depth estimation D Xu, E Ricci, W Ouyang, X Wang, N Sebe Proceedings of the IEEE conference on computer vision and pattern …, 2017 | 519 | 2017 |
Detecting anomalous events in videos by learning deep representations of appearance and motion D Xu, Y Yan, E Ricci, N Sebe Computer Vision and Image Understanding 156, 117-127, 2017 | 490 | 2017 |
Structured attention guided convolutional neural fields for monocular depth estimation D Xu, W Wang, H Tang, H Liu, N Sebe, E Ricci Proceedings of the IEEE conference on computer vision and pattern …, 2018 | 368 | 2018 |
Self-adaptive matrix completion for heart rate estimation from face videos under realistic conditions S Tulyakov, X Alameda-Pineda, E Ricci, L Yin, JF Cohn, N Sebe Proceedings of the IEEE conference on computer vision and pattern …, 2016 | 364 | 2016 |
Animating arbitrary objects via deep motion transfer A Siarohin, S Lathuilière, S Tulyakov, E Ricci, N Sebe Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2019 | 361 | 2019 |
Autodial: Automatic domain alignment layers FM Carlucci, L Porzi, B Caputo, E Ricci, SR Bulo 2017 IEEE international conference on computer vision (ICCV), 5077-5085, 2017 | 337 | 2017 |
Modeling the background for incremental learning in semantic segmentation F Cermelli, M Mancini, SR Bulo, E Ricci, B Caputo Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2020 | 267 | 2020 |
Learning cross-modal deep representations for robust pedestrian detection D Xu, W Ouyang, E Ricci, X Wang, N Sebe Proceedings of the IEEE conference on computer vision and pattern …, 2017 | 246 | 2017 |
Multitask linear discriminant analysis for view invariant action recognition Y Yan, E Ricci, R Subramanian, G Liu, N Sebe IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 23 (12), 5599-5611, 2014 | 233 | 2014 |
Unsupervised adversarial depth estimation using cycled generative networks A Pilzer, D Xu, M Puscas, E Ricci, N Sebe 2018 international conference on 3D vision (3DV), 587-595, 2018 | 193 | 2018 |
Unsupervised domain adaptation using feature-whitening and consensus loss S Roy, A Siarohin, E Sangineto, SR Bulo, N Sebe, E Ricci Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF conference on computer vision and pattern …, 2019 | 190 | 2019 |
Boosting domain adaptation by discovering latent domains M Mancini, L Porzi, SR Bulo, B Caputo, E Ricci Proceedings of the IEEE conference on computer vision and pattern …, 2018 | 180 | 2018 |
Salsa: A novel dataset for multimodal group behavior analysis X Alameda-Pineda, J Staiano, R Subramanian, L Batrinca, E Ricci, ... IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence 38 (8), 1707-1720, 2015 | 169 | 2015 |
Egocentric daily activity recognition via multitask clustering Y Yan, E Ricci, G Liu, N Sebe IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 24 (10), 2984-2995, 2015 | 168 | 2015 |
Transformer-based attention networks for continuous pixel-wise prediction G Yang, H Tang, M Ding, N Sebe, E Ricci Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer vision …, 2021 | 158 | 2021 |