Gabriel Fabricius
Gabriel Fabricius
Investigador Independiente CONICET, Profesor Dto. Física UNLP
在 fisica.unlp.edu.ar 的电子邮件经过验证
Anisotropic relaxations introduced by Cd impurities in rutile TiO2: First-principles calculations and experimental support
LA Errico, G Fabricius, M Rentería, P de La Presa, M Forker
Physical Review Letters 89 (5), 055503, 2002
Electronic structure of cubic : Ferroelectric stability and detailed comparison with
G Fabricius, ELP y Blanca, CO Rodriguez, AP Ayala, P De la Presa, ...
Physical Review B 55 (1), 164, 1997
Metal impurities in an oxide:  Ab initio study of electronic and structural properties of Cd in rutile
LA Errico, G Fabricius, M Rentería
Physical Review B 67 (14), 144104, 2003
Calculation of electronic and magnetic properties of transition-metal surfaces: Comparison of LMTO and tight-binding methods
G Fabricius, AM Llois, M Weissmann, MA Khan
Physical Review B 49 (3), 2121, 1994
Atomic layering at the liquid silicon surface: A first-principles simulation
G Fabricius, E Artacho, D Sánchez-Portal, P Ordejón, DA Drabold, ...
Physical Review B 60 (24), R16283, 1999
First-principles and time-differential perturbed-angular-correlation spectroscopy study of structural and electronic properties of Ta-doped semiconductor
GN Darriba, LA Errico, PD Eversheim, G Fabricius, M Rentería
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 79 (11), 115213, 2009
Critical behavior of an Ising system on the Sierpinski carpet: A short-time dynamics study
MA Bab, G Fabricius, EV Albano
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 71 (3 …, 2005
Fickian crossover and length scales from two point functions in supercooled liquids
DA Stariolo, G Fabricius
The Journal of chemical physics 125 (6), 2006
First-principles determination of a ferroelectric instability in SrHfO 3
MG Stachiotti, G Fabricius, R Alonso, CO Rodriguez
Physical Review B 58 (13), 8145, 1998
Modelling pertussis transmission to evaluate the effectiveness of an adolescent booster in Argentina
G Fabricius, PE Bergero, ME Ormazabal, AL Maltz, DF Hozbor
Epidemiology & Infection 141 (4), 718-734, 2013
SIR model on a dynamical network and the endemic state of an infectious disease
M Dottori, G Fabricius
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 434, 25-35, 2015
Modelling the effect of changes in vaccine effectiveness and transmission contact rates on pertussis epidemiology
P Pesco, P Bergero, G Fabricius, D Hozbor
Epidemics 7, 13-21, 2014
On the occurrence of oscillatory modulations in the power law behavior of dynamic and kinetic processes in fractals
MA Bab, G Fabricius, EV Albano
Europhysics Letters 81 (1), 10003, 2007
Distance between inherent structures and the influence of saddles on approaching the mode coupling transition in a simple glass former
G Fabricius, DA Stariolo
Physical Review E 66 (3), 031501, 2002
Mathematical modeling of delayed pertussis vaccination in infants
P Pesco, P Bergero, G Fabricius, D Hozbor
Vaccine 33 (41), 5475-5480, 2015
Pertussis epidemiology in Argentina: TRENDS after the introduction of maternal immunisation
G Fabricius, PM Aispuro, P Bergero, D Bottero, M Gabrielli, D Hozbor
Epidemiology & Infection 146 (7), 858-866, 2018
FLAPW Study of the EFG Tensor at Cd Impurities in In2O3
LA Errico, M Rentería, G Fabricius, GN Darriba
Hyperfine interactions 158, 63-69, 2004
Exploring the threshold of epidemic spreading for a stochastic SIR model with local and global contacts
G Fabricius, A Maltz
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 540, 123208, 2020
Revisiting random walks in fractal media: On the occurrence of time discrete scale invariance
MA Bab, G Fabricius, EV Albano
The Journal of chemical physics 128 (4), 2008
Discrete scale invariance effects in the nonequilibrium critical behavior of the Ising magnet on a fractal substrate
MA Bab, G Fabricius, EV Albano
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 74 (4 …, 2006
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