The genus of projective curves L Chiantini, C Ciliberto, V Di Gennaro | 44 | 1993 |
Factoriality Of Certain Hypersurfaces Of P4 With Ordinary Double Points C Ciliberto, V Di Gennaro Algebraic Transformation Groups and Algebraic Varieties: Proceedings of the …, 2004 | 26 | 2004 |
The genus of curves in P4 verifying certain flag conditions L Chiantini, C Ciliberto, V Di Gennaro manuscripta mathematica 88 (1), 119-134, 1995 | 16 | 1995 |
Noether–Lefschetz theory with base locus V Di Gennaro, D Franco Rendiconti del Circolo Matematico di Palermo (1952-) 63, 257-276, 2014 | 15 | 2014 |
Factoriality and Néron–Severi groups V Di Gennaro, D Franco Communications in Contemporary Mathematics 10 (05), 745-764, 2008 | 15 | 2008 |
On the genus of projective curves verifying certain flag conditions L Chiantini, C Ciliberto, V Di Gennaro BOLLETTINO DELL'UNIONE MATEMATICA ITALIANA. B 10 (3), 701-732, 1996 | 14 | 1996 |
Factoriality of Certain Threefolds Complete Intersection in P 5 with Ordinary Double Points C Ciliberto, V Di Gennaro Taylor & Francis Group 32 (7), 2705-2710, 2004 | 13 | 2004 |
Noether–Lefschetz theory and Néron–Severi group V Di Gennaro, D Franco International Journal of Mathematics 23 (01), 1250004, 2012 | 12 | 2012 |
Monodromy of a family of hypersurfaces V Di Gennaro, D Franco Annales scientifiques de l'Ecole normale supérieure 42 (3), 517-529, 2009 | 12 | 2009 |
Néron–Severi group of a general hypersurface V Di Gennaro, D Franco Communications in Contemporary Mathematics 19 (01), 1650004, 2017 | 10 | 2017 |
On the existence of a Gysin morphism for the Blow-up of an ordinary singularity V Di Gennaro, D Franco ANNALI DELL'UNIVERSITA'DI FERRARA 63, 75-86, 2017 | 8 | 2017 |
Hierarchical structure of the family of curves with maximal genus verifying flag conditions V Di Gennaro Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 136 (3), 791-799, 2008 | 8 | 2008 |
Alcune osservazioni sulle singolarita'dello schema di Hilbert che parametrizza le varieta'lineari contenute in una varieta'proiettiva V Di Gennaro Ricerche di Matematica, 1990 | 8 | 1990 |
On the topology of a resolution of isolated singularities V Di Gennaro, D Franco arXiv preprint arXiv:1704.01357, 2017 | 7 | 2017 |
A Note on Smooth Surfaces in P4 V Di Gennaro Geometriae Dedicata 71, 91-96, 1998 | 7 | 1998 |
On a resolution of singularities with two strata V Di Gennaro, D Franco Results in Mathematics 74, 1-22, 2019 | 6 | 2019 |
Refining Castelnuovo-Halphen bounds V Di Gennaro, D Franco Rendiconti del Circolo Matematico di Palermo 61, 91-106, 2012 | 6 | 2012 |
Generalized Castelnuovo varieties V Di Gennaro manuscripta mathematica 81, 311-328, 1993 | 6 | 1993 |
On the topology of a resolution of isolated singularities, II V Di Gennaro, D Franco arXiv preprint arXiv:2001.02266, 2020 | 5 | 2020 |
A lower bound for V Di Gennaro, D Franco Rendiconti del Circolo Matematico di Palermo Series 2 66, 69-81, 2017 | 5 | 2017 |