Legal problems of international economic relations: documents supplement JH Jackson, WJ Davey, AO Sykes (No Title), 1977 | 723* | 1977 |
The economics of vicarious liability AO Sykes Yale LJ 93, 1231, 1983 | 649 | 1983 |
An introduction to regression analysis AO Sykes | 584 | 1993 |
The Genesis of the GATT DA Irwin, PC Mavroidis, AO Sykes Cambridge University Press, 2008 | 446 | 2008 |
Product standards for internationally integrated goods markets AO Sykes Brookings Institution Press, 1995 | 369 | 1995 |
Corporate crime DR Fischel, AO Sykes The Journal of Legal Studies 25 (2), 319-349, 1996 | 368 | 1996 |
Protectionism as a" Safeguard": A Positive Analysis of the GATT" Escape Clause" with Normative Speculations AO Sykes The University of Chicago Law Review 58 (1), 255-305, 1991 | 360 | 1991 |
The boundaries of vicarious liability: An economic analysis of the scope of employment rule and related legal doctrines AO Sykes Harvard Law Review 101 (3), 563-609, 1988 | 360 | 1988 |
The economic structure of renegotiation and dispute resolution in the World Trade Organization WF Schwartz, AO Sykes The Journal of Legal Studies 31 (S1), S179-S204, 2002 | 337 | 2002 |
The Internet and the dormant commerce clause JL Goldsmith, AO Sykes Yale LJ 110, 785, 2000 | 317 | 2000 |
TRIPS, pharmaceuticals, developing countries, and the Doha solution AO Sykes Chi. J. Int'l L. 3, 47, 2002 | 308 | 2002 |
Regulatory protectionism and the law of international trade AO Sykes The University of Chicago Law Review, 1-46, 1999 | 292 | 1999 |
Countervailing duty law: An economic perspective AO Sykes Colum. L. Rev. 89, 199, 1989 | 215 | 1989 |
Public versus private enforcement of international economic law: standing and remedy AO Sykes The Journal of legal studies 34 (2), 631-666, 2005 | 205 | 2005 |
‘Currency manipulation’and world trade RW Staiger, AO Sykes World Trade Review 9 (4), 583-627, 2010 | 190 | 2010 |
Subsidies and countervailing measures AO Sykes The world trade organization: Legal, economic and political analysis, 1682-1706, 2005 | 165 | 2005 |
Corporate Crime A Sykes, D Fischel J. Legal Stud. 25, 1996, 319-335, 1996 | 155 | 1996 |
The safeguards mess: a critique of WTO jurisprudence AO Sykes World Trade Review 2 (3), 261-295, 2003 | 149 | 2003 |
Municipal liability under § 1983: A legal and economic analysis L Kramer, AO Sykes The Supreme Court Review 1987, 249-301, 1987 | 149 | 1987 |
Constructive Unilateral Threats in International Commercial Relations: The Limited Case for Section 301 AO Sykes Law & Pol'y Int'l Bus. 23, 263, 1992 | 147 | 1992 |