Filiberto González Garcia
Filiberto González Garcia
Professor de Química. Universidade Federal de Itajubá
在 unifei.edu.br 的电子邮件经过验证
Mechanical properties of epoxy networks based on DGEBA and aliphatic amines
FG Garcia, BG Soares, VJRR Pita, R Sánchez, J Rieumont
Journal of Applied Polymer Science 106 (3), 2047-2055, 2007
Rietveld analysys and electrical properties of lanthanum doped BiFeO3 ceramics
AZ Simões, FG Garcia, C dos Santos Riccardi
Materials Chemistry and Physics 116 (2-3), 305-309, 2009
Determination of the epoxide equivalent weight of epoxy resins based on diglycidyl ether of bisphenol A (DGEBA) by proton nuclear magnetic resonance
FG Garcia, BG Soares
Polymer Testing 22 (1), 51-56, 2003
Lanthanum doped BiFeO3 powders: Syntheses and characterization
FG Garcia, CS Riccardi, AZ Simões
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 501 (1), 25-29, 2010
Effect of annealing atmosphere on phase formation and electrical characteristics of bismuth ferrite thin films
AZ Simões, CS Riccardi, ML Dos Santos, FG Garcia, E Longo, JA Varela
Materials Research Bulletin 44 (8), 1747-1752, 2009
Combined analytical techniques for the determination of the amine hydrogen equivalent weight in aliphatic amine epoxide hardeners
FG Garcia, PM da Silva, BG Soares, JR Briones
Polymer Testing 26 (1), 95-101, 2007
Determination of IgE antibodies to Polistes dominulus, Vespula germanica and Vespa crabro in sera of patients allergic to vespids
M Blanca, F Garcia, A Miranda, MJ Carmona, J Garcia, J Fernandez, ...
Allergy 46 (2), 109-114, 1991
Grafting of polymethyl methacrylate from poly (ethylene-co-vinylacetate) copolymer using atom transfer radical polymerization
FG Garcia, MR Pinto, BG Soares
European polymer journal 38 (4), 759-769, 2002
Conductive epoxy/amine system containing polyaniline doped with dodecylbenzenesulfonic acid
VX Moreira, FG Garcia, BG Soares
Journal of applied polymer science 100 (5), 4059-4065, 2006
Epoxy networks for medicine applications: Mechanical properties and in vitro biological properties
FG Garcia, M Elena Leyva, AA Alencar de Queiroz, O Zazuco Higa
Journal of Applied Polymer Science 112 (3), 1215-1225, 2009
Durability of adhesives based on different epoxy/aliphatic amine networks
FG Garcia, ME Leyva, AAA De Queiroz, AZ Simões
International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives 31 (4), 177-181, 2011
Influence of chemical structure of hardener on mechanical and adhesive properties of epoxy polymers
F González Garcia, ME Leyva, MG Oliveira, AAA De Queiroz, AZ SimoEs
Journal of applied polymer science 117 (4), 2213-2219, 2010
The compatibilization of SBR/EVA by mercapto-modified EVA
BG Soares, FF Alves, MG Oliveira, ACF Moreira, FG Garcia, ...
European polymer journal 37 (8), 1577-1585, 2001
Multi-walled carbon nanotubes functionalized with triethylenetetramine as fillers to enhance epoxy dimensional thermal stability
WM da Silva, H Ribeiro, JC Neves, HDR Calado, FG Garcia, GG Silva
Journal of thermal analysis and calorimetry 115, 1021-1027, 2014
Effect of mercapto‐modified ethylene–vinyl acetate on the curing parameters and mechanical and dynamic mechanical properties of vulcanized nitrile rubber/ethylene–vinyl acetate …
P Jansen, FG Garcia, BG Soares
Journal of applied polymer science 90 (9), 2391-2399, 2003
Caracterização do sistema éter diglicidílico do bisfenol A/poliaminas alifáticas
F González-Garcia, E Miguez, BG Soares
Polímeros 15, 261-267, 2005
Impact of aliphatic amine comonomers on DGEBA epoxy network properties
CR Amaral, RJS Rodriguez, FG Garcia, LPB Junior, EA Carvalho
Polymer Engineering & Science 54 (9), 2132-2138, 2014
Propriedades magnéticas e biocompatíveis de nanocompósitos para utilização em magneto-hipertermia
VF Castro, J Celestino, AAA de Queiroz, FG Garcia
Revista Brasileira de Física Médica 4 (1), 79-82, 2010
Piezoresponse behavior of niobium doped bismuth ferrite thin films grown by chemical method
AZ Simões, FG Garcia, CS Riccardi
Journal of alloys and compounds 493 (1-2), 158-162, 2010
Synthesis, structure and magnetic properties of Y3Fe5-xAlxO12 garnets prepared by the soft chemical method
PPS Ortega, MA Ramirez, CR Foschini, FG Garcia, M Cilense, AZ Simões
Processing and Application of Ceramics 8 (4), 211-218, 2014
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