Ali Tighnavard Balasbaneh
Ali Tighnavard Balasbaneh
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Combinations of building construction material for residential building for the global warming mitigation for Malaysia
AKB Marsono, AT Balasbaneh
Construction and Building Materials 85, 100-108, 2015
Sustainability Choice of Different Hybrid Timber Structure for Low Medium Cost Single-story Residential Building: Environmental, Economic and Social Assessment
AT Balasbaneh, SJK Marsono, Abdul Kadir Bin
Journal of Building Engineering 20 (November 2018), 235-247, 2018
Comparative sustainability evaluation of two engineered wood-based construction materials: Life cycle analysis of CLT versus GLT
AT Balasbaneh, W Sher
Building and Environment 204, 108112, 2021
Strategies for reducing greenhouse gas emissions from residential sector by proposing new building structures in hot and humid climatic conditions
AT Balasbaneh, AKB Marsono
Building and Environment, 2017
A comparative life cycle assessment (LCA) of concrete and steel-prefabricated prefinished volumetric construction structures in Malaysia
AT Balasbaneh, Mohd Zamri Ramli
Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 16, 2020
Sustainable Materials Selection Based on Flood Damage Assessment for a Building using LCA and LCC
AT Balasbaneh, AKB Marsono
Journal of Cleaner Production 222 (10 june), 844-855, 2019
Applying multi-criteria decision-making on alternatives for earth-retaining walls: LCA, LCC, and S-LCA
AT Balasbaneh, AKB Marsono
The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 25, 2140-2153, 2020
Life cycle sustainability assessment of window renovations in schools against noise pollution in tropical climates
AT Balasbaneh, D Yeoh, ARZ Abidin
Journal of Building Engineering 32, 101784, 2020
New residential construction building and composite post and beam structure toward global warming mitigation
AT Balasbaneh, Abdul Kadir Bin Marsono
Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy, 10.1002/ep.12807, 2017
Significance of intermodal freight modal choice criteria: MCDM-based decision support models and SP-based modal shift policies
A Gohari, AB Ahmad, AT Balasbaneh, A Gohari, R Hasan, AT Sholagberu
Transport Policy 121, 46-60, 2022
Life cycle sustainability assessment analysis of different concrete construction techniques for residential building in Malaysia
AT Balasbaneha, W sher
The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, 2021
LCA & LCC analysis of hybrid glued laminated Timber–Concrete composite floor slab system
AT Balasbaneh, W Sher, D Yeoh, K Koushfar
Journal of Building Engineering, 104005, 2022
Balancing of life cycle carbon and cost appraisal on alternative wall and roof design verification for residential building
AT Balasbaneh, AKB Marsono, E Kasra Kermanshahi
Construction Innovation 18 (3), 274-300, 2018
Applying three pillar indicator assessments on alternative floor systems: Life cycle study
AT Balasbaneh, D Yeoh, MI Juki, A Gohari, ARZ Abidin, AKB Marsono
The international journal of life cycle assessment 26, 1439-1455, 2021
Different alternative retrofit to improving the sustainability of building in tropical climate: multi-criteria decision-making
AT Balasbaneh, D Yeoh, MZ Ramli, MHT Valdi
Environmental Science and Pollution Research 29 (27), 41669-41683, 2022
Proposing of new building scheme and composite towards global warming mitigation for Malaysia
AT Balasbaneh, A Marsono
International Journal of Sustainable Engineering, 1-9, 2017
Economic and environmental life cycle perspectives on two engineered wood products: Comparison of LVL and GLT construction materials
AT Balasbaneh, W Sher, D Yeoh, MN Yasin
Environmental Science and Pollution Research 30 (10), 26964-26981, 2023
Implementation of building information modeling for construction clash detection process in the design stage: a case study of Malaysian police headquarter building
EK Kermanshahi, MBM Tahir, NHAS Lim, AT Balasbaneh, ...
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 476 (1), 012009, 2020
Vulnerability assessment of building material against river flood water: Case study in Malaysia
AT Balasbaneh, ARZ Abidin, MZ Ramli, SJ Khaleghi, AK Marsono
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 476 (1), 012004, 2020
Economic and environmental life cycle assessment of alternative mass timber walls to evaluate circular economy in building: MCDM method
AT Balasbaneh, W Sher
Environment, Development and Sustainability 26 (1), 239-268, 2024
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