Presidents, prime ministers and chancellors: Executive leadership in western democracies L Helms Springer, 2004 | 288 | 2004 |
Five ways of institutionalizing political opposition: lessons from the advanced democracies L Helms Government and opposition 39 (1), 22-54, 2004 | 161 | 2004 |
Regierungsorganisation und politische Führung in Deutschland L Helms Springer-Verlag, 2005 | 144 | 2005 |
Politische Opposition L Helms Theorie und Praxis in westlichen Regierungssystemen, Opladen, 45, 2002 | 143 | 2002 |
Comparative political leadership L Helms Springer, 2012 | 135 | 2012 |
Studying parliamentary opposition in old and new democracies: Issues and perspectives L Helms The Journal of Legislative Studies 14 (1-2), 6-19, 2008 | 127 | 2008 |
„Politische Führung “als politikwissenschaftliches Problem L Helms Politische Vierteljahresschrift, 411-434, 2000 | 115 | 2000 |
Governing in the Media Age: The Impact of the Mass Media on Executive Leadership in Contemporary Democracies1 L Helms Government and Opposition 43 (1), 26-54, 2008 | 113 | 2008 |
Democratic political leadership in the new media age: a farewell to excellence? L Helms The British Journal of Politics and International Relations 14 (4), 651-670, 2012 | 83 | 2012 |
Right‐wing populist parties in Austria and Switzerland: A comparative analysis of electoral support and conditions of success L Helms West European Politics 20 (2), 37-52, 1997 | 77 | 1997 |
The importance of consociationalism for twenty‐first century politics and political science M Bogaards, L Helms, A Lijphart Swiss Political Science Review 25 (4), 341-356, 2019 | 76 | 2019 |
Wettbewerb und Kooperation: Zum Verhältnis von Regierungsmehrheit und Opposition im parlamentarischen Gesetzgebungsverfahren in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Großbritannien … L Helms Springer-Verlag, 2013 | 67 | 2013 |
The Presidentialisation of Political Leadership: British Notions and German Observations. L Helms Political Quarterly 76 (3), 2005 | 65 | 2005 |
Merkel III: from committed pragmatist to ‘conviction leader’? L Helms, F Van Esch, B Crawford German Politics 28 (3), 350-370, 2019 | 55 | 2019 |
Poor leadership and bad governance: reassessing presidents and prime ministers in North America, Europe and Japan L Helms Edward Elgar Publishing, 2012 | 55 | 2012 |
Parteiensysteme als Systemstruktur. Zur methodisch-analytischen Konzeption der funktional vergleichenden Parteiensystemanalyse L Helms Zeitschrift für Parlamentsfragen 26 (4), 642-657, 1995 | 55 | 1995 |
Executive leadership in comparative perspective: Politicians, bureaucrats and public governance BG Peters, L Helms Comparative political leadership, 25-55, 2012 | 50 | 2012 |
Gerhard Schröder und die Entwicklung der deutschen Kanzlerschaft L Helms Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft 11 (4), 1497-1517, 2001 | 50 | 2001 |
Das Amt des deutschen Bundeskanzlers in historisch und international vergleichender Perspektive L Helms Zeitschrift für Parlamentsfragen 27 (4), 697-711, 1996 | 46 | 1996 |
Institutions and institutional change in the Federal Republic of Germany L Helms Springer, 2000 | 44 | 2000 |