Carina Benz
Carina Benz
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Should I follow AI-based advice? Measuring appropriate reliance in human-AI decision-making
M Schemmer, P Hemmer, N Kühl, C Benz, G Satzger
arXiv preprint arXiv:2204.06916, 2022
Appropriate reliance on AI advice: Conceptualization and the effect of explanations
M Schemmer, N Kuehl, C Benz, A Bartos, G Satzger
Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Intelligent User …, 2023
Barriers to data sharing among private sector organizations
M Fassnacht, C Benz, D Heinz, J Leimstoll, G Satzger
On the influence of explainable AI on automation bias
M Schemmer, N Kühl, C Benz, G Satzger
arXiv preprint arXiv:2204.08859, 2022
Past, present and future of data ecosystems research: A systematic literature review
D Heinz, C Benz, M Fassnacht, G Satzger
Opening the black box of digital B2B co-creation platforms: A taxonomy
J Abendroth, L Riefle, C Benz
Innovation Through Information Systems: Volume II: A Collection of Latest …, 2021
How to implement an open data strategy? Analyzing organizational change processes to enable value creation by revealing data
T Enders, C Benz, R Schüritz, P Lujan
User-specific determinants of conversational agent usage: A review and potential for future research
L Riefle, C Benz
Innovation Through Information Systems: Volume II: A Collection of Latest …, 2021
Towards managing smart service innovation: A literature review
C Götz, S Hohler, C Benz
Exploring Service Science: 9th International Conference, IESS 2018 …, 2018
Co-creating value in B2B platform ecosystems–Towards a deeper understanding of the emergence and nature of actor engagement
C Benz, L Riefle, C Schwarz
Innovation Through Information Systems: Volume I: A Collection of Latest …, 2021
Innovating Smart Product-Service Systems in Manufacturing SMEs: Current Practices, Affordances, and Constraints
D Heinz, HR Park, C Benz, G Satzger
2022 IEEE 24th Conference on Business Informatics (CBI) 2, 33-40, 2022
A maturity model for smart product-service systems
D Heinz, C Benz, R Silbernagel, B Molins, G Satzger, G Lanza
Procedia CIRP 107, 113-118, 2022
What fits Tim might not fit Tom: Exploring the impact of user characteristics on users’ experience with conversational interaction modalities
L Riefle, A Brand, J Mietz, L Rombach, C Szekat, C Benz
Untangling the open data value paradox: How organizations benefit from revealing data
T Enders, C Benz, G Satzger
Innovation Through Information Systems: Volume III: A Collection of Latest …, 2021
On the Influence of Cognitive Styles on Users' Understanding of Explanations
L Riefle, P Hemmer, C Benz, M Vössing, J Pries
arXiv preprint arXiv:2210.02123, 2022
Exploring the Potential of Smart Service Systems: A Multi-Actor View on Affordances and Their Actualization
D Heinz, C Benz, J Bode, F Hunke, G Satzger
SMR-Journal of Service Management Research 6 (2), 132-146, 2022
Servitization and digitalization as “siamese twins”: concepts and research priorities
G Satzger, C Benz, T Böhmann, A Roth
The Palgrave Handbook of Service Management, 967-989, 2022
Not all tasks are alike: Exploring the effect of task representation on user engagement in crowd-based idea evaluation
C Benz, N Zierau, G Satzger
High-Tech meets High-Touch: Die Dienstleistungswende als Chance für die Wertschöpfung und Beschäftigung der Zukunft
T Böhmann, A Roth, G Satzger, C Grotherr, M Schymanietz, C Wolff, ...
Entwicklungslinien, Forschungsfelder und Empfehlungen für die …, 2020
Open innovation in ecosystems–a service science perspective on open innovation
C Benz, S Seebacher
Exploring Service Science: 9th International Conference, IESS 2018 …, 2018
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